Crystals: Simple List & Descriptions

Discussion in 'Items' started by Lee, Dec 16, 2010.

  1. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    Note: by request what mobs drop each crystal was added as info came in, but has not been carried on since that was not the original idea of this thread and loot info is incomplete)

    : This Adamite Crystal is used to increase your creativity. It’s main function brings both the heart and mind together as it links the solar plexus, heart and throat chakras with the universal mind. (drops from Death Drake, Storm Drake, Portal Guardian, Pirate Skeletons)

    Adventurine: Adventurine Crystals are used primarily in connecting and harmonizing male and female energies. Its also know to carry strong protection against metaphysical vampirism of heart energy.

    Aegirine: The Aegirine Crystal is used primarily for environmental healing. Spiritually, this crystal is said to improve your ability to discover ones inner “true” self.

    Agate: Agate Crystals are commonly used as a powerful holistic healing stone. This crystal is extremely powerful when used in a mult-dimensional capacity. (drops from Storm Drake, Yellow Papoo)

    Agrellite: This Agrellite Crystal is mainly used for healing psychological traumas and blocks within the soul. Combined with other powerful healing stones Agrellite Crystals have been known to defend specifically powerful negative energies. (drops from Death Drake, Storm Drake)

    Amber: This Amber Stone is mainly used to counteract impurities. When amber is rubbed against wool or silk it becomes electrically charged. (drops from Death Drake)

    Amethyst: This Amethyst Crystal is mainly used to promote ones love of the devine. Its also been used to assist ones concentration when attempting to expand internal multi dimensional awareness. (dropped from Buccaneer Skeletons)

    Ammolite: Ammolite Crystals are primarily used to protect ones soul during inter dimensional exploration journeys. (drops from Death Drake)

    Angelite: Angelite Crystal is compressed over millions of years into stones which harness ones ability to channel and focus awareness. (drops from Portal Guardian, Island Shark, regular Shark, Pirate Skeletons)

    Anhydrite: Anhydrite Crystals are said to improve ones agility and emotional capacity for acceptance. (dropped from Buccaneer Skeletons,Pirate Skeletons )

    Apatite: This Apatite Crystal is known in the spiritual realm as the bridging interface between consciousness and matter. (drops from Ice Drake)

    Apopyllite: Apopyllite Crystals are mainly used to stimulate ones metaphysical abilities. (drops from Storm Drake, Island Shark)

    Aragonite: Aragonite Crystals are known is an extremely common mineral used primarily in centering physical energies.

    Atacamite: Atacamite Crystals are know to be a powerful energy conduit. A powerful cleanser it has been quoted as being the only crystal that can bring unconditional love into your life. (drops from regular Shark, Pirate Skeletons)

    Atlantasite: Atlantasite Crystals are used primarily in attempts at accessing past lives through cosmic channels. (drops from 'regular' sharks, Pirate Skeletons )

    Azeztulite: Azeztulite Crystals and extremely rare and carry extreme abilities to capture and contain certain forms of light energy. (drops from Storm Drake, regular Shark)

    Azurite: Azurite Crystals have been used commonly to assist in guidance practices during journeys of physical development. (drops from regular Shark, Pirate Skeletons)

    Barite: Barite is said to increase ones capacity to facilitate communication with your intuitive vision.

    Beryl: Beryl is used primarily for control over environmental factors. Its main abilities can temporarily protect you from intense rain and storms.

    Bornite: The Bornite Crystal is said to internally teach the subconscious to trust the other parts of the mind. (drops from Portal Guardian, Pirate Skeletons)

    Bronzite: This Crystal is primarily use in blocking certain forms of low level curses.

    Bustamite: Bustamites are used as alarm directors for personal danger. It is said that the Bustamite Crystal loses its luster in the presence of danger.

    Carnelian : is beleved to have extreme powers of protection for souls traveling to the afterlife

    Cats Eye: This crystals primary function is to protect the inner soul from the Evil Eye. (drops from Death Drake)

    Celestite: This stone records high levels of constant vibration and is highly used to promote spiritual development. (drops from Portal Guardian, regular Sharks)

    Cerussite: This stone promotes wisdom and growth, both mentally and spiritually

    Chalcedony: This protective crystal is said to help lower your chances of personal injury and certain forms of poisoning. (drops from Island Shark)

    Charoite: This powerful crystal is used to assist in linking your karmic powers. (drops from Portal Guardian)

    Chiastolite: This crystals primary function is to protect the inner soul from high levels of negative energy attacks. (drops from Death Drake)

    Chlorite: This stone is mainly used to remove certain forms of energy implants.

    Chrysoberyl : Can help the mind put problems to the side to focus on other things

    Citrine: Citrine is used to cleanse and regenerate the inner sanctuaries of the soul. (drops from Chimera, Portal Guardian)

    : Crocoite is one of the most powerful forces one can use to promote fertility (drops from Great White Shark - up to 800 ped tt value)

    Danburite: Danburite helps connect the spiritual mind to the angelic realm. (drops from Portal Guardian)

    Emerald : this stone is commonly used to repel low levels of enchantment

    Epidote: Epidote Crystals are said to greatly enhance the abilities of perception. (dropped from Buccaneer Skeletons)

    Eudialite: Eudialite Crystals can connect the spirit and mind through the increase of flow within the chakras. (dropped from Pirate Skeletons)

    Fluorite: Fluorite is said to enhance the ability to tune into high levels of spiritual casting powers. (drops from Portal Guardian)

    Halite: This stone is mainly used to remove impurities from the soul. (drops from regular Shark)

    Hematite: This stone is used in deep connection practices between the soul and chakra.

    Hemimorphite: This crystal can help remove thoughts of manipulation and deceit. Often used during post traumatic events treatment.

    Hyalite: Hyalite Crystal is used in many forms of out of body travel.

    Iolite : Is said to assist in the alighment of aura

    Jade : Is said to have the ability to completely reverse physical harm

    Labradorite: Labradorite is said to contain high levels of mystic power. Some high level magicians claimed its main purpose lied in the travel between worlds. (dropped from Brown Papoo)

    Lepidocrosite: This crystal is primarily used to cleanse aura and chakra. (dropped from Pirate Skeletons)

    Malachite: This crystal is said to have the ability to draw out negative energies from the soul. (dropped from Pirate Skeletons)

    Moldavite: Moldavite Crystals are said to be amulets of good fortune and fertility. (dropped from Pirate Skeletons)

    Muscovite: Muscovite is said to stimulate awareness of the higher self which can facilitate journeys through the open metaphysical visionary plane. (drops from Petit Red Papoo, brown papoo)(ingredient in time travel crystal bp)

    Novaculite: Novaculite aligns all chakras to ground spiritual energy into the body. (dropped from Buccaneer Skeletons, Pirate Skeletons)

    Obsidian: This crystal is said to give insight into causes of disease. (dropped by Grey Papoo, Petit Grey Papoo, Petit Red Papoo(debated, maybe rarely) and rarely from Pirate Skeletons) (ingredient in time travel crystal bp)

    Okenite: Okenite is said to assist in clearing obstacles found within the path of life. (drops from Village Boar, Great White Shark)

    Onyx : Is said to help banish old habits to facilitate mastery of ones destiny

    Opal : Is said to have powers to grant temporary invisibility

    Peridot: Peridot is said to be a powerful cleanser that can release and repel toxins.

    Petalite: This crystal is primarily used in rituals involving purification. (drops from regular Shark, Buccaneer Skeletons)

    Purpurite: Purpurite is primarily used to manifest true self.

    Quartz: Is effective in combating static electricity and can be used to amplify healing practices

    Rhodonite: Rhodonite Crystal is said to help remove emotional scars and wounds from the soul. (dropped from Pirate Skeletons)

    Selenite Crystal: Selenite is said to anchor the body in reality and can in rare cases inhabit the space between light and matter.

    Tanzanite: Tanzanite can increase levels of awareness.

    Thulite: Thulite encourages curiosity and can also stimulate rapid healing and regeneration.

    Tigers Eye: Tiger’s Eye is used for high levels of protection against enchantment and toxins. (dropped from Buccaneer Skeletons)

    Topaz: Topaz is primarily used to stimulate memories.

    Tourmaline : is said to generate special forms of electricity under pressure which can be used in the cultivating of plants at rapid speeds

    Turquoise : An amulet of good fortune and are said to assist in enhancing spiritual communication

    Ulexite: Ulexite is said to be able to increase levels of objectivity and clarity. (drops from Portal Guardian, Chimera)

    Wulfenite : Wulfenite is known to be an extremely powerful past life healing crystal (drops from Chimera)

    Youngite: Youngite is primarily used to fragment the soul in preparation for transformation to various planes of consciousness. (drops from Portal Guardian, Chimera)

    Vanadinite: Vanadinite is said to help assist assimilation into the natural earth. (drops from Portal Guardian, Chimera)

    Zincite: Zincite removes hypnotic commands and energy blocks. It is also know to assist in encouraging free flow of life forces. (drops from Portal Guardian, Chimera)

    Zoisite: Assists in manifesting truths (drops from regular Shark)
  2. I think they went a little over board with the crystals :)
  3. Wow, theres quite alot, maybe they will be eventually used for more than just time travel :P
  4. Beryl Crystal discovered..
  5. ohhh Youngite Crystal discovered now
  6. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    Thanks for the two additions guys, if you have the time and inclination and can add the description it would be appreciated. I will keep updating as I see more myself.

    That is my impression as well, seems a lot of trouble to go to create so many crystals and all these specific descriptions if they are not useful in some way other than basic tt crafting materials, and the 'right' ones for time travel.
  7. I think they took some of the descriptions from places like this:

    Crystals A-Z - Bazaar On The Bay - Helping you achieve spiritual enlightenment and a stress-free life.

    but seriously, how can we get enough of one of this items to sell in auction? crystals, animal parts? it will tke months to get a decent stack
  8. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    yeah, a lot of it is lifted from 'real life' crystal therapy ideas and descriptions. Many are already on auction, just one or two in some cases, around a ped each start bid. Until we are told how they are used, or see the new bps that will use them or the body parts, we won't know if we need one or thousands of them to achieve anything though.
  9. Youngite (TT 0.04 PED)

    Unrefined description: Youngite is primarily used to fragment the soul in preparation for transformation to various planes of consciousness.
  10. Good to see these listed in one place - tks. Might be handy to include which mobs loot which crystal, ready for our hunting spams when we know what we need. I've been rushing about too much to take many notes so far (I'll do better now :D), but here's some that dropped from Death Drakes (young-old): Agrelite, Amber, Adamite, Ammolite, Cat's Eye, Chiastolite.
  11. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    Thanks again all, Ajax that I can add as well if I remember to take notes myself and of course with the help of others on here. Will try to update late tonight again, after maybe finding some of the new crystal too.
  12. Portal Guardian crystal drops (can't tell maturity atm - they're all "???"): Angelite, Danburite, Flourite, Ulexite, Youngite.

    Ulexite description: "Ulexite is said to be able to increase levels of objectivity and clarity."
  13. For the list:

    Barite (TT 0.07 PED)

    Unrefined description: Barite is said to increase ones capacity to facilitate communication with your intuitive vision.

    Bronzite (TT 0.05 PED)

    Unrefined description: This Crystal is primarily use in blocking certain forms of low level curses.

    Bustamite (TT 0.03 PED)

    Unrefined description: Bustamites are used as alarm detectors for personal danger. It is said that the Bustamite Crystal loses its luster in the presence of danger.
  14. Last few b4 I head off to bed...

    Chimera: Citrine, Ulexite, Wulfenite, Youngite

    Storm Drake: Adamite, Agate, Agrelite, Apophylite, Azeztulite

    Petit Red Papoo (yes, running out of ammo by now ;)): Muscovite
  15. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    Updated from your posts, thanks all. I had issues logging in this evening after the update, so in the end when I got in ok (seems the noob club in my inventory was an issue lol) it was too late really for me to do much 'research' of my own tonight. Not sure how much I will get in this weekend but will try to check from time to time and keep this updated from your input.
  16. This could be the one?

    Labradorite Crystal - TT 0.02 - Looted primarily in Brown Papoo Young

    Unrefined description: Labradorite is said to contain high levels of mystic power. Some high level magicians claimed its main purpose lied in the travel between worlds.

    Peridot Crystal - TT 0.02

    Unrefined description: Peridot is said to be a powerful cleanser that can release and repel toxins.
  17. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    cool, sounds promising-added to list and that description italicized :)
    edit: this one drops as a reward from the npc Frank's noobie quest, so suspect even more it is the one we will use somehow to open portals, hope whoever does it first is kind enough to share info with us
  18. Beryl Crystal (TT 0.08 PED)

    Unrefined description: Beryl is used primarily for control over environmental factors. Its main abilities can temporarily protect you from intense rain and storms.
  19. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    May have a problem adding a lot more to the original post, when I started I had no idea there were going to be so many crystals, and so didn't separate it all into different posts, and there is a character limit which I already reached. I edited out all of my original text other than the list to get it to save the last update. Will keep adding what I can until I can't go further, then will have to think about doing a new thread or something maybe.
  20. There is way too much crap being looted, at this rate the storage will be full of stuff, too many crystals, body parts of every mob. Going to need to raise the limit on storage at the rate its going. LOL and raise the text limit of posts just to add them :)
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