Noob club (L)

Discussion in 'Next Island bugs & issues' started by the1, Dec 19, 2010.

  1. Some1 got the same bug? Every time i look or try to use noob club i get a nice crash getting kicked out.


    Disclaim: Yeah i know my english suck's, i am from holland:P
  2. Not been there yet.. I haven't been able to make it due the constant CTD's i'm getting when opening inventory, using trade terminal..etc etc.
  3. I seem to crash on a certain timetable...every 15 min or so...and this happened while hunting monkeys with a noob club :) hunting skeletons or drakes brought no problem
  4. the noob club is bugged, i had to file a support case and ask support to move it to my storage. strangly enough after they moved the noob clubs last time i can now see them and even use them... weird... ^^
    file a support case, first support case i filed i got a reply within the hour, and second support case i filed i got a reply in less than ten minutes!
    problems with crashes because of noob clubs seems to be fixed extremly fast by support, so contact them
  5. Ahh yes.. now i managed to loot one.. CTD on point of checking, but it's not just the club.. loads of icons are bugged, game is unplayable !!!!!

  6. Thx, yes did it send them nice suportcase. Hope they will fix it it's a pain in the ass


  7. Also true, loads of icons are bugged. Alot of X in my storage's

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