Flea market idea

Discussion in 'Next Island' started by Corey 'GreyFox", Dec 29, 2010.

  1. Okay since NEVERDIE will no longer be able to offer the flea market service, and I don't know if he even planned to on NI, but I was thinking some of us could get together once a month to hold our own flea market to help new players on NI.
    Just a thought.
  2. Sounds interesting. What are the terms? We just pick a teleporter once a month and turn it into a Bazaar for a day, or is it something more than that?
  3. Pretty much sums it up. New players would be paid 5 ped/k on sweat. All the junk they have to sell will be purchesed for a fair MU. Just something to try and keep the new players around.
  4. Count me in then. And likely many other people in Laud will be up for it too. We've done this flea market type thing ourselves on Calypso. Never know what might turn up. ​
  5. I would be in
  6. K I was thinking the 1st of each month. CND or Crystal resort
  7. Leo


    I'm new to Entropia and I would love to be able and sell the stock that I have. I'm currently not able to afford to use auction because New Island does not have a working economy right now and can't pay the transport fee.
  8. I think something like this would be nice. A time and place for the sellers and traders to meet up. Should help the economy of NI grow as well.

  9. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Something to consider would be to hold two times on the specified date, one for the European time zones, and one for the American time zones. (unless Australia or another time zone contains a bulk of the NI player base, those are the two most common on Rocktropia from my experience)

    There are always comprimises when planing times for things like this, but with two times you can usually accommodate a majority of the players.

  10. Lets go with CND. NEVERDIE isnt able to do these auctions anymore for reasons we dont need to discuss on this thread. Since however this is continuing his idea why not move forward with it on his land as a way of acknowledgement.
  11. Sounds good. So at CND and if possible run at 2 different times.
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