New character.. Spawn killed.

Discussion in 'Next Island bugs & issues' started by Samooryesord, Dec 30, 2010.

  1. There were a pair of people at serpentine that were just standing there afk skilling. Twice in 1 hour i cleaned the area just to realize they'd probably curse me for 'interrupting' their skilling.

    I just wish they'd chose another tp, like misty outpost or something, and not the place the new people spawn. Starting a new game only to be surrounded by mobs and afk people is not exactly the best first impression...
  2. OK guys, this is the most ridiculous fking bug I have ever seen.

    I tried calling for help in chat a few times, no answer.

    Something like 8 mobs on the spawn point, I even tried to run while others had the mobs chasing them, but they came after me anyway.

    A bug like this should be fixed within 24 hours.....obviously, that isn't done.

    GL with your game, I am out of here.
  3. Unfortunately, my point was just proven :/

    I'll check the revives in case you're still there
  4. Should maybe start reporting them for bug abuse.
  5. Hi I'm stuck at Next Island 127987,86741, 117 someone help please
  6. At least we saved Ciriis :)
  7. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    This is not just a 'bug' btw, it is lack of content in that turrets to keep revives and tps clear of mobs are not yet ingame.

    ND said in another thread:
    "Turrets will be coming in NEXT VU, the reason we left turrets out is because I believe we have had trouble making them... And we were resisting using the Mindark Generic versions...
    But we are now putting this Creative consideration aside and adding turrets, everywhere, if we miss a spot let us know."

    So now we all have to pray for the long overdue VU from MA I guess, but again, we have been in 'testing' phase so far, the actual, real, official, launch to the public is today or next week or something, I give up trying to figure that out :monkey:

  8. how do i get out of there lol??
  9. For the time being you need to be rescued. I'm just on my way to bed right now but if no-one can make it to you before I log on tomorrow I will come rescue you at 3:30 Entropia time(that's 24hours after you posted your message, press "u" in game to see entropia time). Sorry for the delay. I will check in periodically through the day if I can. If I can show up before that time it will be on the hour.
  10. Went by Serpentine, didn't find you but rescued two other folks. Hopefully you'll be rescued quickly next time you log
  11. I'm there now if your stuck. Low and behold prot was there death training again

    EDIT: not there anymore. Until the turrets are installed I'll try to get there once a day, at the time I originally posted this message.
  12. Do you know what the sad part about death skilling is Greyfox?

    Since MindArk has coded the mobs so that they stop giving you skills after a while, the guys who are 'skilling' rely on people like us going there and spending ped on killing the mobs so fresh ones will spawn that'll give them skills.
  13. Ok, i'm safe now. But, where do I go? What do I do? I have no quests and there is just a bunch of wagon's and a teleporter near me... and lots of boars and monkeys lolz. Where is the starter area?
  14. Teleport to club neverdie. Starter area is not active yet, but you'll find a lot of people around to help and explain things to you
  15. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    Think my partner and I may have seen you last night, not sure, but the place you describe sounds like Enchanted Village, and we saw a newcomer there apparently stuck at revive. Maybe you were afk at the time, he killed the mobs and I healed the avi, but they didn't say anything or do anything so we assumed afk skilling. As Manny said, Club Neverdie seems for now to be the teleport area where most people hang out, but the actual newcomer start up area (where new avatars should arrive) is Crystal Resort, and there is plenty of small monkies and boars to sweat/hunt there, and the missions are there but bugged for now.

    Oh guys, Prot was back last night at Serpentine, along with two others completely blocking the revive. There were also another two there who were not trying to afk skill, and had to fight to get out and get to the trade center etc, so yeah, the mobs problem combined with afk skilling avis is a really really bad first impression, and from what little I could see last night it is spreading as they go to other tps too. I will never again include the idea of 'free skills' to a newcomer to reassure them to not worry about dying a lot, as whenever any of us have said that we meant it in context of sweating etc not being a doucebag.
  16. Can we put together a list of known tp where newbies enter game, or do they spawn at all of them randomly?
  17. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    The only one I know of for sure is Serpentine (though the first week there were newcomers who signed up for NI apparently turning up at the new arrivals centre on Calypso, not heard of that happening anymore).
  18. Yeah this game confuses the heck out of me lolz. I'm assuming it's still in beta? No direction at all lol. I went to neverdie but that just confused me even more. I'm used to playing games like WoW, CoX and other mmorpg's of that genre. So, this is very, very new and strange to me. I guess i'll try again in a few weeks or months when the game has more to it. =P The game looks beautiful and plays very nicely, but with no direction for new players such as myself, I just can't get into it in it's current state.
  19. Im trying to join in but i keep spawned kill still, anyone on tonight that could come and rescue me ?? My coordinates are: Lon: 128 000 LAT: 86803
  20. Ya I'll come by, I'll hang around for a little bit. Be there in 10 mins or so.
    No longer there, helped two people get out.
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