Hey So I've always thought EU should have some sort of dynamic or at least the illusion of dynamic weather, with overcast skies that predict and yield rain/snow, fog rolling in off the coasts, clouds that move in the sky following preset jet streams. Lightning, thunder, etc. Perhaps even bring it together on a planetary cycle. if 365 days is a year on Next Island, than every 90 days or so seasonal patterns might be able to shift. more rain in fall/spring, less in summer, and colder weather in winter (probably storms on the tropical island, not snow). Can Cry2 do something like this? Is it planned to attempt something like this in Next Island? Of course players should have the option of disabling it for low end systems, so it would only be a way to augment the experience who desire it, not disrupt the experience for others. Thanks! -MR
Good question. I know the CryEngine 2 itself is capable of dynamic weather. It's also capable (if you've ever played Crysis) of blowing feathers off birds, chopping trees down with a machine gun, making all items able to pick up and throw. Problem is, from what I gathered.... CryEngine 2 was NOT designed for MMORPGs. So because our "worlds" are so large they had to really cut back on CE's capabilities otherwise the servers would NEVER be able to handle it all. Could you imagine for example.... an event with 100 green dots on radar all having to receive the data to be able to visualize me chopping down a tree with a gun? It would just be way too much. Also, I remember the snow on calypso allegedly causing lag for users. That being said.... anything white in color seems to have a heavy load on graphics cards. Will be interesting to hear NEVERDIE's reply on this. Menace
Yep would love to see this as well... I will wait to see what NeverDie has to say:) Although Menace seems to have covered most things already :D
Well yeah, Menace covered everything as it was in 2006-8 when this implementation was being originally thought out by MA. Times have changed though. We have Planet Calypso operating off the Cry2 Engine, but it is no longer unique in this regard. ArchAge being developed in Korea by an NCSoft veteran and former developer of Tabula Rasa uses Cry2, so does a new MMORPG, only known now as Project E:st. Blue Mars was also set to use the Cryengine 2 back in 2008. Im not sure if that game is still in development though, or has gone the way of Stargate Worlds and Ultima Online: Origin. Earlier games were limited by hardware, but as the capability to run Cryengine2 graphics and effects over networks and becomes more readily supported by hardware changes so too does the reality about what can and cannot be implemented by the engine. As long as toggles are available to ensure that older systems do not have to run or process the new effects I see this as perfectly within the realm of possibility. Of course I personally am not a developer, but I am curious! :-)
Problem is still with ISP's though, many do not offer download and upload speeds capable of handeling what cry2 can do.
ArcheAge might be a good example. One will be able to chop down trees for resource gathering, so that should be possible in a mmo game using CE2. By the way, Project E:st is now called Asta. Regards, Razormat