Newcomers: Collect Teleports and Win Prizes!

Discussion in 'Missions & events' started by Lee, Jan 13, 2011.

  1. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob


    Starting a virtual life in Entropia is hard at the best of times, especially if you want to 'test the waters' without depositing right away or at all. On Next Island at the moment it is even harder, with many bugs to cope with including starting out at a tough village to escape from instead of the intended newcomer area of Crystal Resort and of course no time travel (fingers crossed for a bug fix/content VU soon). We also have no well working economy yet in these early days, and not much of a market for sweat. Despite all of this there are a lot of hardy explorers out there doing the best they can, and they deserve a bit of a boost for that effort :)

    So, a simple and fairly easy challenge for you, collect (add to your map) all of the teleporters around Next Island's newcomer area and win some prizes. Collect some more and win some more prizes. The two that you get automatically, Crystal Resort and Club Neverdie won't count.

    The Prizes

    Hunter's Starter Kit: Sollomate Opalo gun, 100k ammo (500 shots) and a Vivo T1 heal kit

    (edit: Miner's Kits all won now) Miner's Starter Kit: Ziplex Z1 Orefinder, Ziplex Ju10 Matterseeker, Earth Excavator ME/01, Energy Excavator EE/01, Mineral Refiner MR100, Energy Refiner ER100, 10 bombs and 10 probes.

    Full Set of Pixie Armor and Crafters Starter Kit: (edit: only female set of armor left to be won now, if a female avi does not win the catagory I will find another way to give that out :)), plus

    full set of the standard starter bp books and bps that at the moment we don't have available from a technician on Next Island

    The Details

    To participate you must be a newcomer, with agility skill at less than 20. We have 63 tps in all, maps are HERE and a list with coords is HERE. The ones you need to collect are the 7 around the Crystal Resort island area, these are:

    Crystal Resort Beach Lodges, Crystal Resort Beach Enterance (yeah they spelled it funny), Neophyte Village, Pearl Cove, Ancient Ruins, Rutile Beach, and Adamite Beach.

    Post a screenshot here on this thread of your map and teleport list showing those are collected (you may need to scroll down on the map list and make two or more screenshots).


    The first 10 people to do this will win a hunter's start up kit.

    The first 5 people to also add any 3 other teleports to make it 10 will win the extra prize of a mining starter kit (just show them on your map and mention them in your post, not the two excluded ones of course). (these mining kits are all gone now)

    The first female avatar and first male avatar to post screenshots showing they have collected 25 teleports (including the 7 required ones listed above and excluding the 2 automatic ones) will also win a full set of Pixie armor and a Crafter's Starter Kit. (male set now won)

    So, yes it is possible to win in each of the catagories, depending on how many teleports you collect and how many of the prizes are still remaining.

    The contest will run until the prizes are all gone, I will check this thread daily and try to hand out prizes ingame at Club Neverdie village every evening if any were won. (I am on MindArk game time, if a winner is in a radically different time zone we will find a way to sort it ). If you win a prize, please post or pm me here to let me know the days and times you can log in to collect, and include your full avatar name.

    Please help spread the word ingame, as not everyone knows about or reads the forum.

    Have fun exploring ;)

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  2. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    Winners List

    Thanks to all who participated and gratz! Now pay it forward if you can :)

    * Zaphrey Zaph Gesser- Zaph pretty much ticked all the boxes by having collected all of the teleports! So he sort of took home the jackpot in winning the hunter's kit, miner's kit, and the male pixie and crafting kit! Hope it is useful, gratz and thanks for being patient with me Zaph while I realized you can't trade crafting books with the bps in them :palm:​

    * Sir Torz Man-another who collected the required tps and then some! Torz got the Hunter's and Miner's Kit, plus a large part of the crafter's kit as I had some extras (no pixie win as not female avi)​

    * Effin Steelcity Right-another hunter's and miner's kit winner, and a fun guy, found him with a little help from Wildman, in a bit of a late night party mood lol

    * Chris Cole Anderson- was missing one but ran right out and got it, so wins hunter's and miner's kit

    * Lana Sue Lane- our first lady avatar wins the hunter's and miner's kits (the last miner kit available so just in the nick of time :) )

    * Han Solo Man-wins a hunter's starter kit ( a second before his agi goes too high :) )

    * Cateleene Kay Bond- another hunter's kit winner (and in a later entry also the female armor and crafting kit winner)

    * bOnk bOnky bOnkers - another hunter's kit winner (and working hard to collect them all :) )

    * Kdexx TimeOut Ocomellie - hunter's kit winner

    * Zonayla Stardust Zelandolii - final hunter's kit winner (and final prize)
    • Like Like x 2
  3. You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Lee again.


    Very good initiative Lee, gratz for helping out the new players :) One question - isn't 25 agi a bit high as a threshold?
  4. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    um, well actually, I won't lie, I had to ask around for info on that number, and that is what was suggested. If you think I should change it please let me know, it was intended to keep it to new players so only for those under that skill level (anyone know what a new avi starts with these days?).

    So, notice I may lower that depending on advise, if so I will correct the original post asap, in the meantime, if you know you are a 'real' newcomer go on anyway :)
  5. Well, new players start with 1 agility... it does raise very quickly at those levels of course, but i'd suggest 20 as max
  6. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    coolio, I trust your advice so it's done :)
  7. Eligibility

    I'm a new player with agility 14, but I had help getting the tps so I'm not sure if I'm eligible....

    What say you?
  8. Nice Job Lee :)

    But OMG that blue text makes my eyes crossed :cool:
  9. Just In Case

    Just in case I am eligible:

    View attachment 725

    Again, I am a few weeks old, have agility 14, I ran around to get some of the tps, but had help from other players to get the rest.

    Would be cool to win something.

    Thanks for taking this on Lee.

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  10. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    Lol yeah kind of made mine cross too, played around with different colors to try to highlight stuff, but it all sucks, so thanks for mentioning it, gave me a good excuse to make it all white :)
  11. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    Our first winner :) Speaking to you ingame now, I am happy you are qualified. I have no problem with anyone having a bit of help in getting them, you will need it a lot at some places, especially if you go to get them all like you have done. Well done and gratz.

    For others, if you can, it is better to try to get a screenie like this example below, a lot better for me anyway on the eyes :D

    View attachment 726

    Will update op and winners list in a few minutes, after I give Zaph his prizes, he is being very patient with me

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  12. Sorry to burst the bubble but the white bold is hard on the eyes too. LOL or maybe I am getting too old. Maybe another colored font that isn't bright or bold? Or leave it as it is, I already read it anyway :)

    And grats to the first winner:cheer:
  13. Gratz Zaph! :)
  14. Sr Torz Man

    Sr Torz Man Freelanser

    Hi im a new player from Sweden
    I have 29 TP and a image, how do i insert the image?
  15. Congratz Zaph!

    Torz, you go to advanced reply, and scrolling down you'll see the option to attach files to your post
  16. Sr Torz Man

    Sr Torz Man Freelanser

    Here is my map ;)
    and tx for help.

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  17. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    Thanks Torz, it does appear you have the seven required tps (though again it would help me out if the screenshots in future include the tp text list as in my example earlier). So, I need from you your full avatar name and a time that you might be ingame to collect your prizes, I will be in for a while this evening. I will need to scan you for agility skill, but if that is ok then you have won the hunter's and the miner's starter kits (edit:also, since you have over 25 tps, if your avatar is female you also get the pixie and crafters set, if male, I can still throw in at least some of the crafters set since I have some left over :) )
  18. Sr Torz Man

    Sr Torz Man Freelanser

    Hi here is my new images, it is ok to scan me and im in the game 1 our from now.
    (Neverdie is my place ;) and my name is (Sr Torz Man)

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  19. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    our second winner Torz has his prizes, well done. Come on guys spread the word, still lots of stuff to win yet :)
  20. Sr Torz Man

    Sr Torz Man Freelanser

    Thanks for all prizes!!!

    Newcomers....Go out and run for the prizes and get new tp on your map.
    Ask friends and run together for more TP...

    I will help if you ask :)
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