Newcomers: Collect Teleports and Win Prizes!

Discussion in 'Missions & events' started by Lee, Jan 13, 2011.

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  2. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    Gratz Effin, saw you ingame just now but that was before I knew you had posted lol. If I see you again before I log out will shout out, if not it will be tomorrow sometime.

    Edit, found you (thanks Wildman :) )
  3. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    Late night bump, still more prizes to go around
  4. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    Bumpity bump bump, I still have prizes to give away, come on, help get newcomers to post here and help me clean out my storage :)
  5. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    Didn't bump yesterday, so consider this a double bump day. Still lots of prizes to give away, and I'm surprized more haven't taken up the offer really it is so easy to win. First things first, newcomers need to be directed to the forum, will spam a bit ingame tonight and thanks much to those who have shared this info with others too.

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  7. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    Not too late Chris (but the crafters kit is reserved now for the female avi armor winner, sorry). Of the seven required it is wierd that I see Ancient Ruins orange circle on your map (its pvp) but it isn't on your tp text list, so you need to run round and collect that tp (it is just below Pearl Cove to the south, easy run down the road). I'm guessing you ran close enough to it for the pvp circle to register on your map before. Having said all of that, I haven't been hard core fussy in this contest so far, as it is intended to help out our new players first of all, so I will grant you a winner of the hunter and miners kit if you promise to run turn that orange dot into a blue dot for me :)

    On the subject of crafting books and bps, others have also brought some of those back to Next Island just for folks like you who want to start out but can't because our technician papoos don't have them in yet. Manny is one I beleive who has some, just ask around on here and ingame.
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  9. Thanks for this contest Lee, here are my screenshots, hope i made it...

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  10. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    Gratz to Chris and Lana :) I was unable to put your name on the winners list before bed last night Chris, as I lost my broadband connection for the night (a minute before the mob I was shooting turned into a team hof ofc lol).

    Lana, you have also won the hunter's and miner's kits (the last one of the miner's kits). You are our first female avi to enter, but you are still a bit short on the 25 (not counting Club Neverdie and Crystal Resort) to win the armor set and crafting set. Please feel free to post again once you collect that number as until it is won it is still there to win :) I see your full name on your screenies, so will look for you ingame today/this evening unless you post a particular day and time you can log in.

    Keep mentioning the contest ingame please, the armor and crafting set still available for a female avi, and 5 more hunter's sets left now.
  11. Han


    Hey Lee, I just saw this in time. After many busy days of sweating and a bit of longswording my agility is 19!
    Here is my screenie.

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  12. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    Gratz Han (avi name as here? I think so as I've seen you ingame), you win a hunter's kit. I'm logging in in a few minutes, will watch for you and Lana over the evening at CND village.

    Four more hunter's kits to go and the female armor and craft kit (come on ladies, we know we rule right? get in here!) :cheer:
  13. Thanks Claire. Enjoyed this contest. Looking forward to more ingame events!!

    Hope you survived the mob onslaught when you lost connection
  14. Han


    Great to meet up with you. Thanks so much for the prizes. I now have the famous Opalo that I hear so much about :) and I am skilling away happily on it.
    Thanks again!
  15. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    Forgot to check here earlier Cateleene, but it looks you have all the newcomer area tps, so when I see you ingame will hand over the hunter's kit :) Feel free to post for the armor and crafting kit if you get 25.

    Edit, I think I know but please post your full avatar name so I can be sure.
  16. Cateleene Kay Bond
  17. Lee

    Lee Forever Noob

    Bonkz, I can see that you have Adamite Beach, but it is not on the text list, like another earlier on in the thread, must be bugged so you might want to grab it again and make sure it registers on your text tp list. Don't need to worry about posting it for me though, you win the hunter's kit :)

    Both Cateleene and Bonkz, I am not going to be at home and at my computer tonight, so I will log in for a short while this afternoon to see if either of you are around, if not, it will be sometime Sunday probably.

    Only two more hunter's kits left to be won, plus the female armor and craft kit. If the two hunter's kits go before a female avi manages to win the armor set, I will probably call the contest done and dusted and find some other way to award that to someone later :)
  18. Yay, done :p
    thnx for telling me about the event in game :D


    Agility ->

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