Next Island Funniest Screenshot Contest

Discussion in 'Next Island News & Information' started by Enzo, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. Enzo

    Enzo Next Island Manager

    I was lounging around today watching my Jets lose to the Steelers in the AFC Championship game and thought that I could use some cheering up. So why not have a Funniest Screenshot contest here on Next Island to give me a laugh?

    What I mean by funny is that I want you to take a screenshot of something odd, strange, quirky, funny, out of place, or anything that makes you laugh and post it here in this forum thread. There are only a few rules, so check them out:
    • Your avatar MUST be in the screenshot.
    • The screenshot MUST be taken on Next Island (make sure there is a distinguishable part of Next Island in your screenshot so that it is easily recognizable as NI. Enemies/signs/npc monkeys/buildings/ etc will work just fine.
    • You may enter as many times as you wish but each entry must be a new post.
    • Please include your Avatar Name in your post.
    • The deadline to submit an entry is Friday January 28th 11:59pm (Pacific Time).

    After the entries have been reviewed, the top 10 choices will be uploaded to our Next Island page on Facebook. After the upload it is up to you and the other fans of the FaceBook page to LIKE your favorite entry. On February 3rd, the image with the MOST LIKES will win the contest.

    The winner will earn 300PED and be given a special title here on the Next Island forums.
  2. Long term side effect of playing on Next Island;
    View attachment 755
    You might go native :)

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  3. Enzo

    Enzo Next Island Manager

    yes... Captions help ;) the same caption will be added to the FaceBook posting if you make the Top 10
  4. View attachment 756

    hitman nutrageti 47 - the river had a little bump along the way, nothing serious

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  5. Attached Files:

  6. Enzo

    Enzo Next Island Manager

    need more picture entries....
  7. [​IMG]

    Club ND does not condone drunk driving! Especially when you crash your car through the wall!

    Michael nightv Jordan
    • Like Like x 2
  8. A sacrifice to "Lootius"

    View attachment 758

    In this picture; Effin Steelcity Right and myself. If this wins the prize is split 50/50 :)

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  9. Enzo

    Enzo Next Island Manager

    I need to see more images posted...
  10. I have more coming :)
  11. Attached Files:

  12. Attached Files:

  13. [​IMG]

    O god not again, how did hitting a Papoo even launch the car up there!
  14. hahahahahahahahahaha :D

    If i was judging this contest i'd say the contest is over, we have a winner! :D
    hahahaha, that one really cracked me up :D nice work :D
  15. Stuck between a rock and a long fall

    Whilst traveling downriver we took a break on some rocks.

  16. My avatar is not in, but i just couldn't pass this up :D

    View attachment 761

    "NI mating rituals are strange but captivating"

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  17. This is what happens when an avatar is compacted....
  18. Mista goobs Goober
    I'm having a bad day, I got a splinter...
  19. Mista goobs Goober
    My girlfriend is on another fad diet.
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