Problems with walking and running after strafing fix update

Discussion in 'Next Island bugs & issues' started by Chance, Feb 19, 2011.

  1. My legs don't work! LOL Ever since the update that "fixed" strafing and backwards problems, I haven't been able to walk or run forwards properly. This is especially noticeable when on hills (uh... we live on a mountainous island). I notice various effects, but usually it appears as if I am surfing on the ground and also bouncing up and down on my knees at the same time, while gliding over the ground without moving my feet. Also, movement is extremely jerky, which makes it appear as if my avatar is hopping about from one place to another, which makes walking across bridges or up steps extremely difficult and I often end up in the water because I couldn't tell if I was on the bridge/walkway or not.

    I have already done the "repair" tool on the launch window and it did not fix my problem. I run on Windows 7. If anyone knows a way I can fix this, I'd love to hear it. It's very annoying and can be frustrating when I'm trying not to aggro mobs in group hunts and can't tell exactly where I am.
  2. This used to happen in the past too, mostly due to lag.
    Have you tried jumping? For some inexplicable reason it sometimes seems to cure those effects.
  3. Yeah jumping has no effect. I jump, then it's back to jerky bouncy surfing lol.

    I DID notice however that I was walking normally out on the hunts last night so I am wondering if lag is what my issue is after all. I am planning to pay much closer attention to whether I'm in popular zones when I notice it. Perhaps I'm due for a lowering of my graphics to make things less laggy.
  4. never lower your grafix! upgrade your card!!!!

    been eyeballing that quad core grafix card myself,,,,,,
  5. I'm having the same problem. I sent in a support case, and got back the usual techno-gibberish -- sorry, I'm a noob when it comes to computers. :)

    But the problem boils down to my connection speed is too slow, so I'm going to have to bite the bullet and upgrade. In the meantime, I've lowered the connection setting under "Tools" in the client loader, and set my graphic setting to medium, and that seems to help. I'm still "rabbit hopping" but at least it's manageable until I can upgrade.
  6. Well I lowered my graphics to low on everything except avatar and objects in the advanced settings and now I'm walking properly again. An added plus is it's much easier to see the stones, fruit and dung laying on the ground. I'm happy now. :)
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