Next Island Time Travel Secrets Revealed

Discussion in 'Next Island' started by Magyar, Feb 22, 2011.

  1. Enzo

    Enzo Next Island Manager

    Already did a run of 2000 dampers and nothing...

    If anyone is on RT and gets this BP in a craft loot. Please post an image of it and send me a PM right away.

  2. i don't think anyone ever said they did.

    no-one has found a drake heart yet, not even greyfox with his 22k ice drake uber (gratz!) and since anyone with a little patience can kill any regular mob on NI (heck im a noob and i have killed fire drake stalkers) and ND (or who ever it was) says that we need to work together as a team to pull of time travels, my guess would be that the drake kings drop drake hearts.
    i have only seen the drake king at one place, and they are surrounded by mountain boar and death drake stalkers.. no-one can simply go in there solo and kill a drake king with the kings buddies chewing on you at the same time (unless they have deposited their life savings into entropia)
    so i would be guessing sending in a team and take down a few drake kings and we'll get the drake heart ^^

    that's my guess
  3. You mean all the rest of the Drakes are heartless??
  4. So shall we gather forces to seek and destroy.

    I'll shoot at its big toe to distract it from the ubers who will do the real damage.
  5. What armor do you use?
  6. red


    yeah, I did. you said "mission BP" instead of "rocktropia mission bp". so, I thought you were talking about the NI mission BP, since that is the subject of this thread. slight confusions. thank you, for the clarification.
  7. This. I use Orca and Martial with 5b and have had really bad problems with any variety of drake, usually anything above "Old" stomps me rather quickly.

    Personally I hope its not off the Drake King. That will put a very high markup on time travel. You folks remember how empty Club NEVERDIE was over the last year? Time Travel destinations need to be accessible by new players, not be the domain of the rich and deposit happy. If new players cant reach the time travel destinations at a reasonable cost its a cascade effect. Old players who help new players wont leave the mainland, old players who sell to other old players wont leave the mainland either. This leaves only the solitary gamer types or those few who can justify the expensive travel costs with the winnings they can consistently pull from the other destinations.
  8. Is the refining fixed?
  9. yes :)
    it is
  10. Just as a sort of side note...

    The Drake king that my team ( CRT ) globaled on was actually mixed in with fire drakes or Death stalkers ( dont remember which ) at either omens east or west. So they were not only at the one place with the boars etc.

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