11.8.0 and greece

Discussion in 'Next Island' started by Kitten, Mar 9, 2011.

  1. No changes I can find so far. Mobs still loot ammo and stuff. Cant find anything different at the tp's

    Herbs still not working and slaves sword still (L)

    Still exploring around
  2. yeah it's only calypso from what I read? So NDS didn't develop content for this VU.
  3. We did download some NI content, but i simply can't find anything different so far.
  4. checked all tp's and looted a dozen mobs no changes to be found. I think I go back to bed now
  5. Nor Alien

    Nor Alien Wisker Fish

    Sorry to hear.. Gn to you then ;)
  6. Looked around all I could this morning and found no changes.
  7. :( well at least you'll win the screenshot comp. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. LOL! :)
  8. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    That's a shame was hoping there would be something this vu for you. Maybe there will be another update specificically for NI soon...
  9. I hope we can get some weapon BP's soon. I kind of feel bad about the prices I have to charge on imported weapons in my shop. And decent weapons require materials that can not be acquired on NI :(
  10. Heard some mission on rocktropia got changed and fixed. Maybe thats also on NI. But really they are marketing ancient greece on the clientloader even ... thats cool but better keep quiet and wait for the fixes (and give kitty a huge reward)
  11. I did try to double check the missions but because I already finished all but one of them I cant really do anything with them more.
    The npc's don't even talk to me just stare. Its really creepy actually

  12. VU 11.8.0 is a pure MA VU that involved old Calypso Systems taht were not available since VU 10.0.0, I hope that also Next Island and Rocktropia would use this new tool from MA (landgrab, fortress event system), anyway I hope for a Next Island release very soon to fix all the bugs and improve a planet where I would to stay
  13. [​IMG][​IMG]
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