Tp bug when you tp into land areas on cnd - when is it gonna be fixed !

Discussion in 'Next Island bugs & issues' started by Agis, Apr 2, 2011.

  1. Hi, I have spent a shitload of money here and have to still put up with constant crashes every second time i tp on Club Neverdie, This is a serious matter and needs to be addressed , Its now almost a whole month since this problem occurs and it is also a reason why people are not coming to Next Island , your suppose to be offering a new life here, I can put up with some bugs - but my gold card batteries are about to go due to this constant re logging and i will not be able to play. I can tp everywhere on the mainland but I cant hunt great white or space skeleton without constant - I MEAN CONSTANT RE LOGGING - I cannot believe this problem is going un-noticed and there has not been any activity on this matter in OVER 15 DAYS in the forums.

    If there is a way you can tp without re-logging please for the love of god - post it here, I know its effecting everyone , fappers wont come to Next Island , Hunters wont hunt on Club Neverdie , How are you suppose to hunt uber mobs on CND without constant interruptions every 2nd time you tp .. I am a patient person but this has drawn a line for me hunting on CND, and im about to give up.
  2. I fixed that for myself by lowering my graphics to medium
  3. I just took an extended vacation to Calipso.... waiting for fixes to see if its worth my return..... hopefully they will soon, and the "grand patch" hopefully wont just be painting "it" another color..... must admit though..... no screaming papoo, no screaming roomates...... oh, also i had that problem before i went on vaca. but i have my beast set to low graphics <easier to see stones and fruit> don't seem to have that Tp bug over on this side of space.....
  4. I thought that bug was universe wide and got fixed in the last VU.
  5. i'm still disconnecting like crazy
  6. when i left for vacation on Calipso, was about 2 weeks ago, and the tp bug was rampant, I never had that problem on Calipso...... had the annoying for no reason boots, but nothing as bad as the tp bug, or the amount of dc's....... thinking it was only NI
  7. This is only a NI problem. Lets all send another support case so they get this fixed.
  8. Just a thought... the CND part of NI is the only place (that I know of) on NI that has streaming audio. Perhaps this is causing those crashes. Try to disable the streaming audio from your launch window. Click the tools button, then check the button at the bottm left that says "Disable Streaming Audio".

    Funny enough, the last visit I made to NI, it was on the CND parts where I seemed most stable... as if the streaming audio was keeping my internet "open".

    Hope this helps.
  9. I have done all the possible work arounds mentioned above and none of them help.
    Is there anyone who hunts alot who doesn't crash to desktop every second or third time after using a teleporter after a revive?
    If you do crash to desktop multiple times a session when does it happen for you?
  10. I think the latest bug is leaving your Vtol, and ending up invisible unable to move. but crashing occurs for no reason on NI, dosent matter what you are doing, using a TP, Hunting, mining, flying with a passenger <fun>, just happens alot.... 3-5 times a play session i would say, sometimes more depending on amount of travel.
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