Crashes since update

Discussion in 'Next Island bugs & issues' started by JustJohn, Apr 13, 2011.

  1. Before the update this morning the game was crashing on me once every couple hours.

    It seems to be crashing once every ~20 minutes or so now. I will update later after trying a while longer.

    Only 1 more crash over the course of the next 2 hours or so. Probably just back luck on the initial crashes.
  2. Tom


    JustJohn, I've been thinking about this crash topic that seems specific to Next Island. I wonder if clearing cache will help so all your newly cached files reflect any changes inherent in new update? Also curious if the crashes are area specific?
  3. .Stagger

    .Stagger Space Pirate

    i to have terrible issues with these crashes..
    crashes come once every 20-40mins, and it takes about 5 mins to log back in.
    this is very annoying and really needs a fix.

    Also, i happen to crash more often after using a tp. changing to area's where the music changes seems to increase the crash chance.
  4. i had to leave NI & the crashes were the last straw as to why
    1)i cant loot my armor there
    2)i cant loot anything with a good resale value(guns armor /whatever)
    3) crashes
    do you know how much crashes hurt when a hunter is on a shoestring budget?
    300-400 ped per hunt & getting owned by DC insted of owning the mobs i'm hunting
    irate, thats all i can say
  5. I am having awful crashing. Literally every five minutes i can't do anything. I meet all the requirements, have cleared the caches, restarted computer, ran repair, and changed my visual settings to attempt to fix, and I'm still crashing unreasonably fast.
  6. Update your video card driver?

    I am still crashing every 2nd or 3rd TP after a revive just as before this update. No new bugs for me.
  7. Calin

    Calin Due for an Ultra-Uber Loot.

    Seems that everyone I know has the same problems. I guess it's not at our end then.
  8. its the accounts, i tried another comp and same problems, however, my husbands char doesnt get booted.
  9. I can barely stay logged in at all so I don't think I will try logging in anymore till next vu its just too frustrating :-/
  10. Strangely I don't have crashes that often - maybe once or twice a day. My video card is very old - NVIDIA GeForce 6200. And the computer in general is so so.
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