sweat camp

Discussion in 'Next Island' started by Yvonne Geheim, May 10, 2011.

  1. is there a sweating camp in next island??
  2. red


    the crystal resort works very well. there's lots of little monkeys and boars to collect sweat from and revival points close at hand.
  3. and who buys sweat when i have 1000

    and how many peds i get after that
  4. Hi Yvonne,

    When you gather an item in Entropia Universe (Next Island is part of that) those items are generally sold to other players who have need of it. The value of the item actually fluctuates with each sale, based off of what kind of need the person has and what kind of deal you can achieve.

    Free market economics!

    So to answer your question, start asking players if they want to buy sweat. They will start giving you offers. When you find an offer acceptable, sell to that player.

  5. I buy sweat from new players when I am on(usually around 3am Entropia time). I offer 3ped/k to a life time max of 3k bottles and only from very new players(under 15 agility). Sweat is pretty useless at this point so I just do this to help new players.
    Another option that I am not sure if you know about is walking for fruits and stones. Fruits are pretty worthless on NI but the stones are still valuble.
  6. To actually answer the question, no. There are not. It would be nice if there were, but I think the player base is just too small.
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