Mindark announced Next Island Content Release

Discussion in 'Next Island' started by Agis, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. so where is the content info???
  2. new missions and heaps of stuff
  3. Is there any way we can a timely update on what was in the update? Just for those of us who are at work or who are currently downloading the update? Almost immediately after the update was available Arkadia posted thier update information.

    I know we shouldn't keep comparing planet partners, but it's hard not to do for something so simple. Im excited to see what I can expect when I get home. :love:

    Throw me a bone
  4. Well there`s for starters a freebie for everyone who visits "Crystal arrival" tp. You instantly get a jumpsuit for free .

    There are also plenty of new missions. Also, all monkey NPCs seem to be gone and replaced with humans and androids.
  5. If I go to Ancient Greece with the crystals I got from mission can I return without paying any PEDs?
  6. return trip is free

    dont just click your way back to test it because you end up going and loosing your crystals
  7. I will go and do the mission :)
  8. From what I have read on PCF forum so far you can get crystals to get back from some man in a cave. BUT it seems ppl are getting trapped in some of the caves.
  9. does someone know where can I get the mission for FAP?
  10. Sly


    just to let you all know that in order to use the weapons from the trader at Greece you must be to at least level 2.3 in swordsman, if not you can't wield the weapons there.
  11. and don't go there, you will be eventualy stucked as all the ppl who went there


    I am stucked too
  12. Stuck as well and wasted 20ped on a mob i can't kill now
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