Money makes the world go around...?

Discussion in 'Next Island' started by Mera, Aug 25, 2011.

  1. Hi im very new at Entropia and liked it a lot but i havent been here for a while now so i got this message; "We noticed that you haven't been logged in to Entropia Universe for a time now and we don't want you to miss the opportunity of being a continuous part of our virtual community."

    And why is that? Its simply im a bit paranoid. I dont want to give away my real life name and adress just to transfer money to a game company. Facebook and G+ sucks big time yes I prefer virtual worlds and im afraid a hacker will get to my data if i share them.

    Atm I have had a sim that cost me 75 dollar each month for more than a year inWorldz. But they take paypal and thats the difference, EU dont. So im sorry im stuck. I have tried different ways to get money in the game anonymously and failed =(

    I got a very nice swedish mentor lady so i feel bad not be able to log in but i truly dont know what to do. Maybee I just keep on inWorldz.

    I had time to blog a little about Entropia at least; Entropia « The Eternal Sunshine of the Metaverse

    Its a wonderful world so I hope Ill come back... Waves
  2. Standard email if you don't log in for a while. Of course they want your money, they're a business, though I haven't seen this sort of email from other games.

    You can pay from PayPal, but you have to do it via PaybyCash (Alternative payment processing, pay online without a credit card. PayByCash™) - EU accepts payment from PaybyCash and PayPal are listed as one of their payment options. However, I got part way through depositing this way and couldn't find an obvious way of moving the money from PayPal. I decided instead to deposit via a VISA debit card and got 96.50 ped for $10. From the point I had got to with PaybyCash that would have been 100ped for $12.99.

    Edit:LOL forgot I'd already mentioned this payment method to you in the other thread.
  3. I don't know if they have them where your from but you can use Visa giftcards to deposit, I get a few of them sent to me on my birthday and christmas and just use them to buy myself gifts in EU. Creates kind of a problem since EU only lets you tie a max of 3 credit cards to your account, so after three gift cards you need to send a message to support explaining that you are using visa giftcards.(Oh and they prefer if you can scan the face of the gift cards and send the pic to them)
  4. red


    sending MA your identity is required, if you ever intend on processing a withdrawal from the game. they're actually pretty good about it. over the years, I never received anything from another party that I could trace back to them.

    unlike my telephone company; who pimp out my name, address, and email to just about everyone.

    I understand your concern. I feel that way, as well. however, in the distant past, I made credit card payments and even direct wire transfers. it's never been a problem. although, as with anything, your mileage may vary.
  5. Well i dont know if this is possible in Sweden?? I cant find it? im too blonde maybee :O)
  6. @Corey; thanks thats maybee possible, but a bit complicated though... O.o
  7. mmm i dont understand their aversion against paypal. I withdraw from inWorldz regularly using paypal..
  8. From a merchant perpesctive they seem to be unreliable. Major search engines are full of horror stories of blocked accounts, mysterious chargebacks and next to non-existent merchant support.
  9. red


    well, it's like what curd says...

    I've been taken advantage of a couple of times, as a merchant, by paypal. I'm not a big fan of how they do business. I would expect that MA feels similar.
  10. Ahhh ok sorry about that! Iv used them for years and never heard of any problem. ok thanks =)

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