Bug with "Trade" ?..!..?

Discussion in 'Next Island bugs & issues' started by Andabar, Dec 7, 2011.

  1. After quite a while I returned to NI to check out if things have changed to the better.
    I wanted to do some hunting, so I aproached several "Trade Terminals TT" posts to get some ammo.
    Unfortunately they do not work for me. Repair, Technician, auction all seems to work, just the trade guy is not reponding (also after relog). Others having the same problem?
    Any solution? Without ammo I think it is not worth staying here
  2. must be a lag bug because they worked fine for me yesterday?
  3. I talked to a few others in game. They experience the same problem since a few hours.
    I filed a suppport case meanwhile
  4. Yuff I just checked the trade in ni current time is down
  5. Just checked greece and the trade npc there works fine. No ammo available of course but working no problem
  6. OMG I just thought of something so funny. You can go to ancient greece. Buy an axe and hunt cyclopes and Minotaur and loot your ammo's from mythical monsters in the past

  7. narfi

    narfi Lost

    That is pretty funny ;)
    Can you tt stuff from NI at the Greek terminal?
  8. Actually, neither my wife nor I can use the trade terminals since the patch. We had only been on next island 48 hours before patch, but there was no problem until after. We have both logged, and tried different locations. Right now we are both in club neverdie and I can confirm neither of us can use the trade, but all other functions including Auction, technician, crafting and storage all work fine. As do all other npc's we have come across.
  9. As I mentioned, I have reported to support yesterday. F.Y.I. this was the response I received, case was closed:

    2011-12-07 13:57 Du schriebst:

    I tried to buy some ammo on NI, just a few minutes ago. Tried several TTs, did relog, waited and tried again, no function. Repair, Auction, Technician works.
    How do I get ammo now?
    2011-12-07 23:23 Entropia Universe-Support:


    Thank you for your report. It has been forwarded to the responsible team for further investigation and any irregularities found will be adjusted.

    Kindly accept our apologies for the inconvenience this may cause you. Please stay tuned to the News and Release Notes sections on the website for further information and developments.

    Kind regards,
    Lydia| Next Island Support
  10. I received exactly the same message from support. But I think the answer is not important in itself. What is important is the number of people reporting this very serious bug to support, so that MA fixes it quickly.

    If such a bug occurred on Calypso, I could well imagine what would happen. It is not because we are small and peaceful that we can just accept this situation as it stands. It is not "pretty funny".
  11. Its really sad we had population boom for a week with all the amazing new stuff then this happen and its suddenly ghost town again

  12. Its really sad we had population boom for a week with all the amazing new stuff then this happen and its suddenly ghost town again

  13. Meg

    Meg Next Island : Game Content Designer

    This is so annoying! The AG ones are working smoothly, as far as I can tell, but please make sure to send in support tickets when you find a non-working TT.
  14. Meg I can see your post on the main page but when I open the thread I cant even see my posts or yours after wangxiang's
  15. yup, all trade terminals are out of order..... if you need to sell use the technician.....

    also did anyone notice a change in the tt value of loots in your inventory? any other heavy storage users out there? let me know plz
  16. lol, bug with "Bug with "Trade" ?..!..? " thread.
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