I'm getting regular database errors while posting but the posts seem to go through. Maybe the forum DB needs some maintenance. Also Meg's 'Update' posts are spawning hundreds of copies. Note: got a DB error on the original post. Expect another on this edit...................Yes got one there too.
Yes, DB errors seem to come with any posts, but the post seems to go through fine. However, there are errors with the posts, as mentioned in other threads. New pages do not seem to appear, so some posts do not appear in the threads, but do appear in the new posts list on the front page - i.e. Corey's post in the continuing saga of the bug he has with the Trojan breastplate New threads list replies as zero and the last post as the OP, even though they have new posts in - check the listing for this thread after this post is added. Not that I have experience with DB's, but I could see this second point as the base problem. A new post is added but the DB doesn't register it properly, so it doesn't update the number of replies or the last post details, so it only registers one post in a thread and so doesn't need to display a second page. Thus new posts beyond a certain number are lost - hopefully only until this is fixed though.
Each time i try link from Meg post for last update i get database error. Database error show also icon of Neverdie forum. So i guess error is on ND servers. And where is admin. Ban our developer Meg as bigest spamer lol Find someone else to host this forum.