Next Island crystalz collection

Discussion in 'Next Island' started by Lucky_A, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. Trivia : Can u correctly identify each crystal in the pic bellow ? :D


    May it serve as a guide to NI devs what crystals are more common than others and thus suitable for future entry-level blueprints ;)

    PS : Any serious offer on this lot ? :D ... 10k% would be instant BO :roflmao:
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  2. I am sorry to say, but I can identify most of them.

    Are you serious putting the 7 Selenite into the 'common drop'? I am getting very very frustrated chasing those...
  3. seems to me a new app for iphone to get new emoticons :)
  4. Except for the dark blue one, 3rd from the left in the 1st row, others seem familiar.
    I gave up and tt'ed my collection before leaving NI, couldn't bear 1k+ peds being stuck in the storage.
  5. Meg

    Meg Next Island : Game Content Designer

    That sounds like a heavy hint for someone to sell some Selenite....

    We will be releasing more blueprints that rely on Next Island crystals on our next release. Stay tuned to the dev blog for updates!
  6. your bp will use unfindable crystals... worthless, you don't get it, sorry to say
  7. I personnaly won't use my hard earned skills over 5 last years to feed your bank account with my profits
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  8. Well, do you have any statistics on how many people left your planet already? Do you place your bet on a high turnover of new players? Are you aware that what you are asking is months of hunting activities from 100 new players in order to craft one single BP? Do you play, have you ever played Entropia Universe? (ha, yes, i forgot MA doesn't allow developpers to play the game) At best, new players will continue playing and just go to another planet.
    I can already recommand you to spend time looking for other investors, because when your fresh money will have disappeared, you'll have no other choice.
    Anyway, you'll spend some of your time working for NI, no matter what if this time is used to find investors or to try to understand Entropia Universe.

    Just my 2 pecs
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  9. Sorry for offtopic

    No Meg.
    That actually sound like a hint that you have 2 days left to adjust crystal drop rate... before my complete society leaves NI.

    Few points why the droprate is total failure:

    - you need several people/ gamehours for only 1 crafting click
    - crafting has less then 50% success rate on long term (with this rate there is no long term... you hunt for days then DANG.. failure)

    - if you succeed crafting you get a very weak armor part, that all together in set is not able to save a new player's @ss in AG... and anyone with a bit of evade can do well without it. Makes no real difference.

    There are only 1-2 collectors or impatient/wealthy/stupid avatars who buying crystals or armor parts on recent insane prices and pushing up market value...
    ... but what do NI gains from that? 25% of the 200-300ped auction fee??

    Does this worth it?
  10. There is a life beyond Selenite :)
  11. Yes indeed there is. I guess I don't need to tell you about
    the rare crystals for the completly useless L swords ...

    My previous post applies for them the same way.
  12. Well Wang is right in a way, big mobs just pays for showcase of starter bp, which is not optimal for everyones tales... So be it, they are deciding, not us!

  13. We are currently fixing many aspects of the game... from Loot pool drops, BP's, Environment, and Gameplay. These things will all be addressed in due time. I apologize if this is causing you and other players difficulties, but I can tell you we understand your frustrations and are working to make proper corrections that will improve NI as a whole. There are a great many things in the pipe. Stay Tuned!
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  14. :confused: did not expect my post to turn into this ... but at least I appreciate that :
    1) Players speak up their minds (at some point thought I'm alone on this NI forum :D )
    2) Some answers are really coming from dev team now

  15. As I have stated... We understand the player frustrations. We are working on the resolves and will be very active with our player base on these forums. We will try to answer every question that comes our way... some answers are easy then others... but we will do our best to regain confidence in NI, and things will be future forward from this point on. Enjoy the ride!
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  16. You keep this up and your going to set a record for the most "Likes" :)
    • Like Like x 2
  17. LOL... Thanks I'll do my best! :cool:
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