Breaking news: Club NEVERDIE sold?

Discussion in 'Entropia News' started by NotAdmin, Jun 5, 2010.

  1. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    NEVERDIE just announced that he pulled the deed for Club NEVERDIE from auction after he received a bid that was higher than the opening price of 5,000,000 PED (500.000 USD). As there was a 7.500.000 PED buyout, it is safe to conlcude that the price offered in the deal was lower than 7.5m PED.

    Apparently the deed was pulled because the PEDs agreed on between the new buyer and NEVERDIE could not be transfered in time.

    Details of the deal will be released later, and of course, when that happens, we will be all over it for you :)
  2. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    What surprised me is that he tells us he will sell the domes in pairs of 5 when the deal doesn't work out. Never knew he could do that.

  3. I reckon they did that just recently, like they split up TI into several LAs.
  4. How the f**k can the money NOT be transfered in time?
    I mean what teh fack!

    If he can afford bidding on the auction, then there is no problem now is there?
  5. apparantly, there is more to this shady business than meets the eye - no surprise there; probably Neverdie wanted more money than he put on SB and so he decided to dodge the deal;
  6. it could very well be that the money could not be transferred in time. perhaps the buyer is taking out a loan or some such. even international wire transfers can take a few days. also some people have fear of depositing so much in game and then not wining the auction. because then they get hit with withdrawal fees if they want that money back to RL. Anyway, unless your in the running its nothing to worry about, just a business deal.

    so whos the current favorite guess as the buyer? star? akoz? deathifier?
  7. aridash

    aridash large throbbing member

    i recall the fert and/or the PVP settings have always been grouped.

    you ever raised and transfer $750k? the implication is the delay is in aquiring and transfering the money in time, getting loans agreed or a consortium together takes time, then 2-3 days for a bank transfer to go through.

    like what and from what sauce?

  8. Well, yes - but that wasn't my point, i referred to the possibility to sell domes separately, which would require separate deeds, and i doubt it's been like that before... but, seeing a single CND deed in auction, it seems it's still not split up (or there is one deed for CND as whole and more deeds for the domes, but then neverdie would sell the asteroid w/o domes now?!), so i reckon he said he would sell the domes hoping MA would split CND into several dome deeds on request.
  9. aridash

    aridash large throbbing member

    yes, on further thought it is odd isnt it. its the way he put it in the announcment that seemed rather matter of fact and straight forward that theres a bunch of deeds for each dome. but then he was essentially asking 500k for just the astroid, sans domes, shops, apts before. i always thought it a tad risky without a definite transfer of the DNA, seems theres alot more to this trade.

    note that the taxes are paid on a per dome basis, which indicates some degree of grainulaity in the system. we'll never know if its always been like that i suppose.

  10. I think it was clear that the appartments and shops are not included in the sale, as theses deeds were in the initial purchase of CND, but are long sold to others - but yes, i agree, the statement is odd, yes even a disservice that adds an extra risk to a deal via auctions, as a potential buyer could never be sure what's included in the deal and what isnt... but, i think if the DNA and all domes are not completely transferred in the deal we will soon have an epic "Scammed by Neverdie for 7.5M" thread...

    Maybe that's the reason why he took it off the auctions? There seems to be a buyer, but honestly, i wouldn't have bought it from auctions - without a purchase contract that explicitely lists what is included in the deal (and, above all, what is not).

    After all, he asks a whooping 3/4 million US$ for it - whoever is going to spend that money for sure doesn't want to rely on MAs auction system and buy a pig in a poke.
  11. Tass

    Tass Administrator

  12. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    To the best of my knowledge, CND has always had the split up domes/tax model. I was under the impression that the domes are grouped in a batch of 5, due to the way they are laid out in the Control Room, and NDs statement in the selling thread makes me think I'm right in that perspective.

    He also stated that whoever would buy the rock would get the whole rock, including domes, DNA, and whatever he has left of shops and/or appartments. Sure, you'll have to take his word for it, but consideirng ND is trying to basically launch his own MMORPG, I would hazard a guess that he's not going to epically bite himself (and MA in the process) on the ass by then withholding stuff from the potential buyer.

    What my guess is is that there might be 4 additional deeds for the 4 batches of dome terminals. If this is the case, I'm thinking that ND probably will look up the buyer afterwards, and then hand over all the other required stuff. That's how he would have had to hand over the remaining shop and appartments deeds to begin with, so that probably would also have been the way to transfer the dome terminal deeds.
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