Adopt a Newbie Foundation Change in Management It was with great excitement that I started up the Adopt a Newbie Foundation back in January, not having any idea how things would work out - only having the idea for years about helping newbies toward a better start in game. Before the Foundation, I tried to run the School of Lootius - but time wasn't really my strongest friend and I had to dismiss that plan. The Adopt a Newbie Foundation however, was well met by the community, and after Dalas joined the Foundation, it became a real success. Unfortunately, time is still not my best friend, and I cannot see that we will be better friends in the future either due to a lot of other work related to the forum and game. Dalas has really proven to me and the Universe that he has exactly what is needed to run the Foundation. He is a friendly, helpful guy with a great sense of humor. And most of all, he is incredibly loyal towards the foundation, the newbies, the societies, and not least of all to EntropiaPlanets. I am therefore very proud to announce, that Dalas will take over full management of the Foundation as the new ANF Master. Dalas was thrilled when I asked him if he wanted the task, and he said; "I was quite surprised at being asked to lead the Adopt a Newbie Foundation because it's your (Lykke's) baby and I am just the childminder so to speak. It's a great honour to have this opportunity and of course I accept the offer! The only reason it hasn't already happened is because I literally just moved from living in England to Norway where I have just started my University course Fjords and Glaciers - which involves a LOT of outdoor activity such as camping trips. This will of course affect my activity in the forums and EU but I will do my best to keep up, and enlist help if I need support due to being too busy until December (when the course ends)." The agreement is, that if Dalas for one reason or another loses interest in the work, ANF will be handed back to me again. Another agreement is, that ANF always will have its headquarters on EP. Huge gratz and the best of luck to Dalas - we look forward to seeing the expansion of your efforts! On behalf of the EP Staff Lykke
Good going Dalas May the newbies thrive! I'll be in PVP4 for that thing we discussed whenever you think they are loaded. I mean ready.
Congratulations Dalas ... in the short time I have spent with you on staff, I have come to know you as truly dedicated to whatever task you take on. You were the perfect choice to manage ANF, and I'm sure it will continue to thrive.