*Adopt a Newbie* - The Newbie List

Discussion in 'Adopt a Newbie Foundation' started by Dalas, Aug 17, 2010.

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  1. In game name:
    In game gender:

    Real life location:
    Real life gender:
    Real life age:

    Join date: Nov. 14th 2010
    Agility: 1(?) I know it is very low...


    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality):easy to get along with, respectful, mature, willing to pass on any help I get, love being able to repay a kind deed
    What do you seek for in the community/society:people to chat with, help and be helped by, learn from, group at times, still don't know what I want to do in game so really anything works for now

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society:learning, friends, help

    What are your own contributions to make this happen:I'm an active player and plan to mentor noobies myself one day
  2. Wow, totally missed these...
    In game name:
    Jack Moderator Acer
    In game gender: Male

    Real life location: Louisiana, USA
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 21
  3. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Yet another record, 9 applications overnight!

    All of you are added to the List, so good luck with getting adopted!

    You may have noticed though, that about HALF of the "Waiting" section in the Newbie Fund has come from the last week of applications! This is insaaaaane! I've only received one question from a newbie who has applied this last week though, so I hope all you guys are doing fine. If not, just shout!

    Another piece of advice: Newbies who post in the Hello and Greetings section of the Forum stand out more and are more likely to pick up adoption offers

    As always people, let's build up our Newbie Society with active and ready newbies!
  4. Avatar name: Iczelion Hazard Romanova
    Avatar gender: Male

    Start Planet: Planet Calypso

    Real life location: Michigan
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 29

    Entropia join date (or approx): 11/14/10
    Agility: 4

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: 46 Very interested in a carrer as a miner
    Hunting: 42 in Rifle (not seeing hunting as a cat. in game)
    Crafting: 2 in manufacture armor

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): very adament about a structored environement, spent time in military and generally run my games in the same fashion

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: Comradery

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: General knowledge of the in game system

    How can you help to make this happen: Honor, Respect, Commitment
  5. Avatar name: Darkest HellsAlumni Firelight
    Avatar gender: Male

    Start Planet: Calypso

    Real life location: Massachusetts/USA
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 27

    Entropia join date (or approx): 11/10/10
    Agility: 1

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Not sure what I would be interested in pursuing, I'm open to any suggestions. I think i'd like to try a little bit of everything and make a choice at that stage.

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): Funny, Optimistic and Loyal

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: I seek friendship and to get more into the game. I want to learn all I can about, what I need to know.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: Knowledge

    How can you help to make this happen: Ask questions
  6. Avatar name: Deielinn Lyn Black

    Avatar gender: Female

    Start Planet: Calypso

    Real life location: so cali, usa

    Real life gender: female

    Real life age: 28

    Entropia join date (or approx): 11/13/2010

    Agility: 2

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Hunting: would like to become a hunter

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): openminded, easygoing, funloving, friendly

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: to make some friends and have fun

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: guidance, friendship

    How can you help to make this happen: listening, doing my best to learn
  7. Avatar name: Chance "KaoTiK" Drake
    Avatar gender: Male

    Start Planet: Calypso

    Real life location: Washington
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 21

    Entropia join date (or approx): Nov 12, 2010
    Agility: 2 I think

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: Interested
    Crafting: Interested

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality):Fun, Trustworthy, Smart

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: A place to relax and have fun

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: Just a little advice and help

    How can you help to make this happen: I will listen and do what I am told lol
  8. Avatar name: Jay Ray Man
    Avatar gender: Male

    Start Planet: Calypso

    Real life location: Hsinchu, Taiwan
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 16(yes I am young, but have plenty of xp in online gaming)

    Entropia join date (or approx): about 15 Nov 2010
    Agility: 1 or 2(cant check server is still down will edit later)

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: highish intrest (theres alot of money in this right?)
    Hunting: very high (I love 1st person shoters so...)
    Crafting: average

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality):
    Fun, active, serious, adventures, competitive, and enjoyable(to most people atleast)
    What do you seek in the Entropian community:
    Advise, help, and the like.
    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society:
    Tips on where to hunt, mine, etc. and advise on what to sell and what to keep, all other help would be appreciated.
    How can you help to make this happen:
    I learn fast, listen to advise, and I follow instructions well.
  9. Avatar name: Arlen Arlenuzzo Athardis
    Avatar gender: male

    Start Planet: Calypso

    Real life location: Italy
    Real life gender: male
    Real life age: 25

    Entropia join date (or approx): 5 days ago i think, so 12/11/2010
    Agility: 7

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: Interested
    Crafting: Interested

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): loyal, funny when it's joking time and serious when it isn't :) patient and willing to learn and help

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: fun, meet nice people

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: a little help to understand this HUGE and fantastic game

    How can you help to make this happen: i am a good listener and, as said before, i have a huge patience
  10. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Ok guys, all added!

    Short on time tonight (got home late), so I'll just say the essentials to you guys.

    Please sign up for our Newbie Society in-world at any Society Terminal and PM me with any questions you may have regarding anything at all.

    Don't forget to have fun, stick around and be patient :)
  11. Avatar name:Dr Darkway
    Avatar gender:Male

    Start Planet:Calypso

    Real life location:usa texas
    Real life gender:male
    Real life age:33

    Entropia join date (or approx):about nov 10 2010

    Notable skills in, or interest for...


    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality):team player fun and layedback

    What do you seek in the Entropian community:just to have some fun

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society:maybey some guide

    How can you help to make this happen:devote my time
  12. Avatar name: goos jj winterbreeze
    Avatar gender: male

    Start Planet: rocktrophia

    Real life location: usa
    Real life gender: male
    Real life age: 19

    Entropia join date (or approx): november 13 2010
    Agility: 3

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: 0
    Hunting: 0
    Crafting: 0

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): im a college student involved with things such as sign language group, student body government, and i play guitar and piano

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: a community that i can have fun in and earn a bit of cash also

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: i hope to get to be able to walk somewhere and know the language (like i just learned what faps and mobs is) and be able to understand how to do stuff like what monster i should kill to get this item so i can make some pants or how to make a car or how to mob efficiently

    How can you help to make this happen: i will listen to what you will teach me and will ask alot of questions lol. and i would be as active in events and what im doing as possible
  13. Shadowinde

    Shadowinde Shadowinde

    Avatar name: Morgan Shadowinde Klosterburg
    Avatar gender: Male

    Start Planet: Calypso

    Real life location: Michigan, USA
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 53

    Entropia join date (or approx): 11/14/2010
    Agility: 10

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: Interested
    Hunting: Interested
    Crafting: Somewhat interested at this point (but not in a rush for this one)

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): Good sense of humor, easygoing, solid team player, inquisitive.

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: Tap into the knowledge base, pick up "tips & tricks" to succeed in-game, meet new people & have some fun.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: Get some questions answered, participate in group events (if available) or "team-up" as the occasion warrants, get advice on trading/mining/hunting/etc. so that I can maximize my game time.

    How can you help to make this happen: Willing to learn & help others do the same.
  14. Avatar name:marmite cookie morgan
    Avatar gender:female

    Start Planet:calspso?

    Real life location:uk
    Real life gender:male
    Real life age:26

    Entropia join date (or approx):today 18/11
    Agility:start agilty 1?

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: all of them :D

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): Fuzy hair :) Likes coffee

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: abit of social adventure :)

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: to elarn from the best :)

    How can you help to make this happen: quick learner , chaty :)
  15. Avatar name: Chuck Tehbomb Norris
    Avatar gender: Male

    Start Planet: Planet Calypso

    Real life location: Canada
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 17

    Entropia join date (or approx): Novembre 14 2010
    Agility: Not sure (Currently having a hard time connecting, i seem to be having a hard time with the dynamic file downloads, on my second un-install now, and i've re-tryed downloading it a good 10+ times, doesn't seem to be anything working, so i can't check my skills till i figure this out)

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: Newb
    Hunting: Newb
    Crafting :Newb

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): I'm very patient, Mature, i'm also a fast learner.

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: A pass time really, I've read a lot about this game and it got me interested.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: The main thing im seeking really is tips, doesn't seem to be many good guides out there, either that or they're just hard to find, and theres much to learn in this game, so all tips would be much appreciated.

    How can you help to make this happen: I'm a fast learner,and i'm very patient, if i don't get it the first time, i'll keep trying till i do. :)
  16. Avatar name: Washington Josh Brandon
    Avatar gender: Male

    Start Planet: Calypso

    Real life location: Singapore
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 24

    Entropia join date (or approx): 1 day (19/11/2010)
    Agility: 1

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: 1 (Interested in mining)
    Hunting: 1
    Crafting: 1

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): Fun, outgoing and talkative!

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: I have read from several forum threads that the Entropian community is one of the most helpful around (eg. helping newb getting tp points, healing them). Thus, I hope to be part of the Entropian community, and hope that I would be able to give back when I become stronger in the future.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: I am looking for a active society that have lots of friendly members. I like interacting with people as it makes gaming fun and interesting. I have played several games such as WOW and Atlantica Online, and the best experience I believe is when you have a close and knitted clan. I would also like a clan that can help me out at the start eg. tips and strategy, so that I would be able to start out easier.

    p/s. I am already part of the *adopt a newbie* society ingame. :jump:

    How can you help to make this happen: I am a committed gamer and I am willing to put in the time and effort to make anything work out.
  17. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Woohoo! Awesomeness. I actually saw you earlier at PA, Josh, just running past me while I was semi-AFK.

    Added all new applicants to the list! Follow Josh to the Newbie Society guys!
  18. I've hesitated posting this because I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for in a society, but figured I'd better before I'm no longer considered eligible.

    I'm not certain about skills because I can't log into the game right now (maybe I can update this when I get home). They can't be all that high because I haven't really logged a lot of game time so far; most of that time has been spent sweating. I've read a lot of the tutorials, forum posts in the newbie section of planetcalypsoforum.com and am still browsing for more info here and there. I haven't figured out yet what path I'll pursue within EU.

    Avatar name: Morgan Kent
    Avatar gender: fem

    Start Planet: Calypso

    Real life location: US
    Real life gender: fem
    Real life age: 32

    Join date: 9 Nov 10 (I think)
    Agility: 10

    Mining: ?
    Hunting: ?
    Crafting: ?

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): fast learner, inquisitive, like to try new things, laid-back, ambitious

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: I really don't know at this point. I don't like to ask for things/help and can be a bit of a loner at times, but would like to meet some reasonable, mature folks. At some point I'll be ready to do more group, social, or specialized (crafting, mining, etc) things within the game and it would be nice to be part of a crew who know what they're doing and how to work as a team.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: See above.

    How can you help to make this happen: I like to do research and will typically try to look up an answer before asking - I value my time and try to respect others' time. I know there are links on the home page here for a few societies and I'll look through them to try to find a like-minded group. Ask away if you need more info from/about me.

    Thanks to all those who put this together. I think it's a great idea and a much better way to help people connect.
  19. Avatar name:Vindicator Vin Gildartz
    Avatar gender:Male

    Start Planet:Calypso

    Real life location:Malaysia
    Real life gender:Male
    Real life age:23

    Entropia join date (or approx):20/11/2010

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Crafting:1(interested in crafting)

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): Open minded, fun, helpful, dedicated, MONEY lover :).

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: MONEY! Thats the main reason i play Entropia Universe. I know there are no easy way to earn money in Entropia Universe. Thats why i need help from this community. Please. Please. Teach me everything. I'll do anything. Just show me the MONEY!

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: Anykind that will point me to where MONEY is.

    How can you help to make this happen: Eventhough i love money, i'm actually very patient, and stubborn to. If i want something done, i'll do it until i get it right. (as long as there is MONEY).

    My personal motto: Whats in it for me.
  20. Avatar name: Bos Vanth Haze
    Avatar gender: Male

    Start Planet: Planet Calypso

    Real life location: USA
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 21

    Entropia join date (or approx): 11/20/2010
    Agility: 3

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: dont think ill be focusing on mining much
    Hunting: probably my main interest for now
    Crafting: most interested in, but from what i hear its expensive, so maybe in the future

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): Im a pretty fast learner and ready to have some fun :)

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: A fun, friendly community to hang with

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: maybe a little help learning how the game works, and then some cool people to play with

    How can you help to make this happen: by being active
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