Hey guys, Very nice intiative u have going here. Look forward to beeing a part of it and having another outlet for my extreme sillyness. Cyco Kick Maniac signing in! Btw, I posted in the wrong general section is see now :D
Hey Akoz and welcome to the forum :) The ads would have to be there for now, because we finance the forum from own pockets and for now this is how we can keep it running and keep updating it with new stuff without going bankruptcy :D But we are working on some supscription-modules or a donate-system where people can get rid of the ads if they wish to. But we didn't quite decide how because the forum is for all :)
I made the ads smaller and thus less intrusive. I'll look into figuring out a way to remove them completely when one has donated or subscribed. This will take some custom editing though, and Im in the middle of working on some other functionality. If the ads really annoy you that much and you are really in a hurry to get rid of them, feel free to give us/me a shout, and I'll shuffly my priorities a little. Peter
But hurry ... in 9 hours we will drive to Holland to have our 9 months delayed wedding party and then VF has other priorities :D
When Akoz posted earlier, we were still sporting banners. Since then, this changed to text-links (there's still a banner on the right-hand side of the frontpage, though).
if it annoys you too much you can use the Adblock Plus plugin in the firefox browser, it removes all adverts, let me know if you want links ;)