Wish I would have joined Entropia earlier/requirement for new blood

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by Blood Rebel Templar, Sep 17, 2011.

  1. Was lucky to run into Eagleton my first time on game. He has helped and taught me many things in the small time o have been in EU. Within 8 days I have learnered the basics and last night my first space flight to Calypso. I realize not every new person finds an immediate mentor like i did but timing is everything. I have noticed that most veteran/advisors go out of their way to help new ppl and for those I commend you. This is one of the things i like about EU, a feeling of community(sometimes just an escape from RL).

    Again, ty for your comments(informative, good and bad), this thread was originally about how EU is advertised and I was provided by vast amounts of info about EU/MA advertising/adminstration, mmorpg links for comments and inhouse on-line magazines. All great info for a new person. See out there, wherever.

  2. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    MA have hardly ever been that into advertising alas. But yes the planet partners do that now. ITs a shame about Calypso being reposessed really as I expect that company would have advertised eventually...
  3. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Here are some examples of what we the players can do,

    (not sure if it ended good or bad, but atleast it crossed some peoples thoughts)

    (this guy looks like he might be interested)

    If everyone here posted in a thread like that each day, can you imagine the impact it could have?
    Not just in bringing new players into the game, but in bringing the openion of EU out of the disfigured stepchild chained up in the basement, to something people have a better understanding of the progression that the game has made both in terms of graphics and missions and space etc...

    The mindset that a lot of gamers have about EU is that it is still the same game it was 8 years ago when they tried it.
    It is not that game anymore, and only by communicating on their ground in a friendly manner can that mindset change.

    With the gaming communities softened up by our "fan chatter" then when/if the PPs or MindArk start really advertizing, it will be received even that much better. And if they dont advertize, then we will have brought in some new players on our own already.

  4. Hi BRT,

    and welcome! It's good to hear that this game still is able to create such enthusiasm :)

    Your questions seems to have been answered already, so I'll make just a few side notes that haven't been mentioned yet, or not enough.

    1. "Recommending to friends ..."
      I'd be careful, and would wait a while. As you know for sure it takes quite some time to fully understand how a MMO is run, and what "ugly sides" are hiding below the ground. How often have I started with one, whow, how great, best game ever - only to discover after a few months where the nasty details were hidden that then made me leave enraged.

      And, most important - EU is about real money. Money loves to eat friendships. As mentioned, I'd be careful, and wait a bit. This way you'd be more helpful to your friends, too, should they decide to join a bit later.
    2. Fighting for it in other forums, and the "trolls" there
      Again, I'd be careful. Again, EU is about real money.
      Nasty things have happened amongst players, many claims that MA had made in its Ad statements have proven brazen lies, and many promises have not been fulfilled since years now.

      Many people have lost quite serious sums of money to this game, and not for all of them it was their own mistakes. So there might be people out there that are warning from EU in a perfectly honest way, based of their own experiences, and some of them not even exaggerating too much.

      Not everybody that isn't all this happy with EU is a troll, and not everybody praising it does this just of honest persuasion, many people might have a financial interest in having a lot of excited, PED spending new players - to be honest, I have, too. Someone has to pay for my loot, and it will never be MindArk or one of the Planet Partners, all that I "profit" (rarely enough ...) necessarily means a loss for someone else.
    3. "The money ..."
      My best advice for any new player, as usual:
      "Watch your purse, and choose your friends carefully!"
      It's very easy here to spent ways more than intended, and ways more than that is good for you, and for your family!

      Last time, this is about real money! Think about it in this way:
      You're a poker novice that has entered a club mainly populated by pro's and seasoned players. Many of them honestly welcome you, but some smell fresh, tasty meat. And the club owner needs to pay for his Ferrari, too ...
      For sure this doesn't mean doom to you. Playing carefully, watching your steps, thinking twice before trusting any claim are the keys to success. It's up to you.

    This now isn't meant to repel you. EU is a wonderful game, not in vain I'll have my anniversary #6 soon. But it's very different to any other MMO, and keeping this in mind a vast universe full of challenge and possibilities is open to you now. But it's although a universe where you can get lost, and can severely hurt your real life, always remember this!

    My best wishes to you, may your enthusiasm last for long, and may phat lootz rain on you! Just be careful - I don't want to see you as a part of the badmouthing crowd on mmorpg.com in a few months!

    Have a good time!
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