What do you Play?

Discussion in 'Other games and gaming' started by Mikah, Oct 2, 2009.

  1. Skam

    Skam Bobblehead

    Just finished The Longest Journey. So glad I decided to play it. Its a great puzzle adventure, and I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown at some points for not knowing what to do to go forward. But its soooo rewarding when you find out, right? If you havent played it yet and dont mind old graphics, I suggest you do! Well worth the money (and if you dont believe me, believe the 91 metascore!)

    Just started playing Dreamfall, the sequel to TLJ. I cant say I like it at much. The main character doesn't interest me as much, suddenly I have to fight people instead of using items to conquer them... And it does seem to be 50% cinematics, 40% talking and 10% actually doing anything. Basically if it wasnt for some familiar characters and places I wouldnt think it to be in the same series. Im not sure Im gonna care to finish it, even.

    Monkey Island is fantastic if you like quirky pirate humor, a bottle of grog and chickens with a pullies in the middle!
    Now, its a old fashioned puzzle game where you really have to use your imagination. And laugh your butt off.

    The old Secrets of Monkey Island game came out recently in a version with new graphics. You can still switch to the old graphics though. Its definatly worth the money, its pretty much a legend in the gaming realm -go get it at steam! :)

    How appropriate, you fight like a cow. :bigsmile:
  2. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    That, right there, is what I found to be such a shame in game "development" quite some years ago.

    Me and a bunch of buddies used to try and solve old adventures together. As in, we all started playing, and if one of us got stuck, we'd help one another out. The best part was when all of us were stuck on something, and then suddenly, in the dead middle of the night, you woke up with an idea, booted your PC, and actually solved the puzzle.

    I used to love games from a software house called Legend. They were mostly text-based, with some pretty static pictures, some real quirky sounds, but amazing gameplay and a parser with an attitude. You literally had to type in all the commands to try and solve the games, and they were hard. REAL hard to solve.

    I was highly anticipating one of their newer releases (Companions of Xanth), and had actually ordered it. It had abandoned all the actual adventuring, in favour of pointing and clicking, and it took me about 8 hours to finish. Was a real dissappointment, and since then, all other good software houses seem to have made similar choices.

    I think I still have all the old stuff, and when it comes to graphics, they plain suck, but gameplay-wise, they were tens of times more challenging than most stuff being released now.

    Oh well.
  3. Skam

    Skam Bobblehead

    Yea one of the things I find great with puzzle games is getting together in front of the screen. Me and the mister was in the couch figuring out TLJ and the Monkey Island puzzles together. Shared frustration is great frustration -lol. At least when it doesnt come to the dishes.

    It does however seem that Indie games is on the rise, many of which uses the fact that gamers have a untarnished love for the "retro" game-play to their advantage. I haven't played any of the new games yet, but I'm going to play Trine at some point. It looks fun! I'm also thinking of checking out Machinarium when its released (16th Oct. I believe)
  4. I'll check it out def. Most of my earlier gaming experience was console (atari, nintendo, genesis, etc) and didn't get the chance to do pc games.

    Hundreds of ice cream flavors, why only taste vanilla? ^_^
  5. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun In Loot We Trust

    Peter used to "play" a game called "the stone" - not really a game but Real life puzzels you need to solve. Unfortunately the site is no more, otherwise we would have linkened to it. It was no less than brilliant! The games where you are able to solve riddles and puzzles are the best - possibly why I used to love TombRaider too (like the 7th Guest! I LOVED that old game)!
  6. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    hey did a little search on "the stone" and found a wiki page with a link to "the stone monument" where all the puzzles still are.


    Done a few and it looks like I'm not smart enough :)
  7. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    Sadly, that site has been taken offline. However, for those interested, backups of the puzzles are available here: http://www.scarecrowsfield.com/index.php?task=show&level=splash&group=1

    The idea was nothing short of brilliant. One would purchase a physical "Stone", a smooth black almond-shaped stone hanging on a leather cord, sporting 6 symbols. There were only two versions of each unique pendant, and you could register your copy online, and thus find your "stone-mate".

    After creating an account, one would be shown a 3-D image of a cube, with small dots along the dimensions. One would start with 8-10 dots, each signifying a puzzle. You'd be shown an image, sometimes with additional clues in the form of mouse overs or javascript triggered events, and there'd be one or more textboxes.

    You'd rely heavily on search engines, and basically, you'd try and figure out what the puzzle was all about. The title usually helped in some way, though the images were most important. I'd generally just start by googling what I saw. Topics usually were esoteric and/or mysterious, which helped out. You'd read bucketloads of pages of information, and try out different words. Most of it lead nowhere, really, but you'd have learned something new.

    When you'd be on the right track, the puzzle would return a "Clever", or "Close", meaning you'd be on the right track. This allowed you to finetune the search criteria, and eventually, you'd find the proper answer to a puzzle, and solve it and be shown an answer page.

    It was extremely neat participating in the race always held when new puzzles were released, and collaborating in solving them as the first.

    Before I started, they also had a real-world treasure hunt, where slabs of stone were buried, and clues would guide you to the proper locations. Very very cool, but unfortunately, I missed out on all of that.

    If you like mysteries and conspiracies, give it a go. I might still have an ancient answersheet somewhere, so if you get stuck with a puzzle, do not hesitate to ask for help :)
  8. VF are you talking about ARG's like Majestic?
  9. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    tried some more, and I dont have the patience for this, maybe we can give it a go here on the forum??
  10. Skam

    Skam Bobblehead

    ...then you should check out The Secret World forum.
    The developers have pretty much made a community that is thriving on solving puzzles. It started off with RL puzzles, and videos appearing on net about conspiracies. It seem FunCom is having fun talking in riddles to the community, and the community loves it.

    Honestly, I was in that forum for a while but I just couldn't keep up. It was hard to just suddenly come in to a forum for a game that isn't a game yet, and that now revolves around puzzles and conspiracies.

    If you dont know what The Secret World is, it is going to be FunCom's new big MMO. Its modern, very mystic, and lots of conspiracies. If it'll be anything great, we'll see... Im looking forward to it.
  11. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    I'm not sure what you mean?

    By all means, if you want, start a new thread for it. I found an old excelsheet with most of the answers, clevers and closes for the 150+ puzzles or so I finished. I can try and help out at least.
  12. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    And check out the movie "Nemesis Game" to. Is all about puzzles and riddles. Not a blockbuster but entertaining to watch.
  13. Played through Bioshock now and must say, great game and great storyline.
    It would be much better though if the storyline and the game would fit together, its a lot of wasted potential there.
    Maybe its just me but I always had the feeling within the game that the events around one were only partially linked to the storyline.

    If the splicers one battles are actually survivors of the huge conflict that is outlined, why would they all be so stupid and attack one constantly?
    Why is it not possible to win the people over and establish your own faction?

    Anyhow now I am slowly becoming addicted to Mount&Blade, check it out at http://taleworlds.net/ - I did not even try one of the many modifications yet.
    For an older game I must say there is no mainstream game even close to what M&B is about.
    It has a lot of rough corners, but all in all it provides a really satisfying game experience :loveshower:
  14. Alternate Reality Games, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternate_reality_game

    sounded very familiar to the type of games you were talking about.

    Can't stand splicers, especially when you have to photograph them while they are jumping from wall to ceilings and trying to kill you. I agree the storyline could have been used better but I thought I was missing something since I never got to play the other bioshock.
  15. I've tried Second Life but couldn't get used to the control method and so uninstalled it. I also tried Football Superstars for a while before deciding it was crap and not worth the effort.

    Other than EU I play FIFA 09 (not bought FIFA 10 yet and might not) and GTA: San Andreas.
  16. jim_T

    jim_T Disturbed veteran


    Red Light Center

    ...is a fun pr0n mmo, however you have to be atleast 18 years old! :whistle:

    Project Torque

    ...is a fun racing mmo, however you have to be a US resident or play around with your proxy in order to play, as everyone outside US are blocked... :whistle:

  17. Einstein

    Einstein King of Atrax Beach

    I play arcade games and age of empires 2 atm. While waiting for a new laptop :o

    Never bought a game in my life yet ... :/
  18. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun In Loot We Trust

    wow .. not even single player games like .. TombRaider :D
    Then again, with all the online games out there ... ;)
  19. I only play EU, and WG (www.webgame.cz) - webbrowser game :)
    Oh and now a little Battlefield Heroes ... when Im really low on peds :)
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