*Adopt a Newbie* - The Newbie List

Discussion in 'Adopt a Newbie Foundation' started by Dalas, Aug 17, 2010.

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  1. Avatar name:Oscuro Oct Ghostium
    Avatar gender:Male

    Home Planet:Calypso

    Real life location:Malaysia
    Real life gender:Male
    Real life age:23
    Other Languages:Chinese

    Entropia join date (or approx):8th Dec 2011
    Mining:None ,A little
    Hunting:Near zero ,Interested
    Crafting:None ,Interested

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality):I'm a friendly person and a good learner.

    What do you seek in the Entropian community:Good gaming experience and some friend.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society:The basic of the game and some tool the I may need to
    use in the game.

    How can you help to make this happen:I will stick to the guide and learn as fast as possible.If I can help another newbie
    ,I'll help them.
  2. Tass

    Tass Administrator


    You'll probably like the *Adopt A Newbie Foundation* Society. There are quite a few people from around your timezone in the society already.

    And there's a guide how to join a society using the ANF Soc as an example: Joining a Society.
  3. Avatar name: Creative Electro DJ
    Avatar gender: Male

    Home Planet: Calypso

    Real life location: Italy
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 26
    Other Languages: Italian

    Entropia join date (or approx): today xD

    Notable skills in, or interest for...
    No skills but big interest in Mining and Hunting

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): fast learner, curious, joke a lot, too much sarcastic/ironic.

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: challenge, surprises, cooperation, find people with whom to share great time.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: Help in learning how things work

    How can you help to make this happen: Being a good listener and trying to give back as much as I can to the people that help me.
  4. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    Hi there Electro,

    For some reason this thread is not as active as it used to be, but you can ofcourse joint the *Adopt A Newbie Foundation*Society and I'm sure you will like the people there and they will be able to help you a lot. Here's a 'guide' on how to apply toe the society: Joining a Society.
  5. Razer, thank you very much for letting me know. Too bad I guess. The presentation in the first post looked so cool.
    I've been reading guides of various tasks. They explain quite well so I was really hoping in a one o one mentor like relationship to deepen the knowledge. Still thanks.
  6. Tass

    Tass Administrator


    It's all fine. The ANF society is probably more vital than ever. More people do join the society via the society terminal instead of signing up to the ANF in general in this thread. The reason for this development is probably the fact that MindArk dropped support for this project and replaced the link banner to this thread in the Client Loader with others.

    I would suggest to follow RAZER's recommendation and simply join the society via the soc terminal following this guide: Joining a Society.
  7. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Hey people, got some time here, so getting on with it!

    Updated table with you, Electro.

    RAZER, I think there is not much traffic in this thread because I haven't been on the streets chatting and shouting about ANF like I used to. When I have downtime in between craziness (for example Mayhem and now this Rocktropia Merry Memorabilia thingy, let alone RL) then I will warm up my lungs for some chat. Got a lot in the pipeline for ANF, just gotta get the wheel rolling.

    We've had some action in the society though recently if you look in the section.
  8. Avatar name: Wiru "Crimsonkat" Kartas
    Avatar gender: Male

    Real life location: US
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 18
    Other Languages: -American English
    -Semi-fluent in Japanese though out of practice
    -a tiny bit of Spanish

    Entropia join date (or approx): yesterday...
    Agility: Really low...

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: Low skill(1), Big interest, I wouldn't mind a bit more in-depth explanation regarding refining...
    Hunting: Inept, meh, it's interesting but... if I wanted to do that, there are plenty of other games out there.
    Crafting: Complete newbie, but hex yes I'm interested; I joined because I heard you could craft from the bottom up.

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): Quick-learning, Sarcastic, ADD-inclined, more or less easy-going, and usually self-sufficient once I know how to go about stuff.

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: A good time, casual gaming, y'know, the good stuff.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: A friendly point in the right direction. A support base, as I don't know what the heck I'm doing in-game and frankly, I'm tired of repeatedly dying. I joined this game because it sounded incredibly awesome with its crafting system and whatnot.

    How can you help to make this happen: I'm willing to do what it takes and I believe in paying back debts so if you help me out, I'll do my darnedest to help the society back.
  9. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Welcome Crimsonkat!

    To get help quickly you can join the ANF society ingame.

    There's a guide how to join a society using the ANF Soc as an example: Joining a society
  10. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Updated. You're in Crimsonkat :)

    Follow Tass' directions and we'll see if some society wants to adopt you. I've sent out a message to all the soc leaders, but the response has been underwhelming. Time to build them back up!
  11. Avatar name: Bernardo Ghostsan Sykes
    Avatar gender: Male

    Home Planet: Arkadia currently in Caly

    Real life location:Portugal
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age:36
    Other Languages:Portuguese and English a bit of french.

    Entropia join date (or approx): 4 days ago.
    Agility: 6 currently

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: Newbie 1
    Hunting: Newbie
    Crafting: Newbie

    I have deep interest in all three. I donĀ“t see me doing only one of those. I would probably go doing Hunting and Mining or Hunting and Crafting because i will probably wont have the time or the resources to go for all.

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality):Im a teamplayer mostly. Love working in group and for the group. Im calm and patient. I dont have problems in asking questions when i dont know the answers and i do that a lot.

    What do you seek in the Entropian community:I seek to know new people and relax a bit out of the "real world" in a virtual world doing things that i enjoy together with likeminded people i meet.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: Mostly i seek knowledge and the possibility to be around people that already been through what i am now. To learn from their experiences so i can enjoy the most out of this. Of course i would be lying if i wont admit i could use some "material" help to help me get started.

    How can you help to make this happen: Proving that im worthy of it. Either by giving my best to learn all that i can, as by later on, being willing to do the same for others, that like myself today, need a helping hand to get started.

    Thank you for your time.
  12. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Welcome Sykes!

    To get companion you can join the ANF society ingame.

    There's a guide how to join a society using the ANF Soc as an example: Joining a society.
  13. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Don't worry about Sykes, Tass :)

    You had no way of knowing this, but it was a test from Union of Calypso who wanted to get a feel for the system. They invited Sykes to sign up through this thread after meeting him, so they could see how the process went.

    So now, we can wish both Sykes and Union of Calypso a nice time together and hope they'll both stay in touch :)
  14. Adoption process complete! Thanks ANF! :cool (2):
    • Like Like x 2
  15. Avatar name: Fred Bigsmellyfeet Bloggs
    Avatar gender: Male

    Home Planet: Calypso

    Real life location: UK
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 42
    Other Languages: none

    Entropia join date (or approx): 01/02/2012
    Agility: 8

    Notable skills in, or interest for...

    Mining: interested (tried some mining)
    Hunting: interested

    Personal characteristics (keywords about your personality): Calm, easy going

    What do you seek in the Entropian community: some fun

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: good advice and someone to talk too

    How can you help to make this happen: By being pleasant to other people and listening to advice
  16. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Ok ok, busy busy week here, but eventually got here to add you Smelly!

    Off to bed now, have to shake off a fever before morning :S
  17. I have sent friend requests to all available newbies and have talked to other leaders in the soc to help get these newbies adopted. I think the list needs to be updated because some have joined and left our society ingame.
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  18. of cource they did :)
    excepto for me ill be a noob for ever
  19. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Heya Sara :)

    I don't know if I'm reading you wrong here, or not understanding something but...

    It's nice to see you peeking in here after our chat the other day. It is not your duty to make sure the newbies are adopted, just so you know. It's the ANF associated societies who will pick their newbie from the list. It's nice that you're trying though. Also, them joining the ANF in-world society doesn't count as them "being adopted". The ANF society is for the list newbies to use while waiting to be adopted or to move on to other adventures.

    Thanks though, for the initiative!
  20. No problem. I am just trying to help:)
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