Fallen Earth - An unreal game MMORPG FREE2PLAY

Discussion in 'Other games and gaming' started by Viperstrike, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. Hi,

    Worlds can't describe the depth and how awesome this game is,
    Here is the E3 previews.

    The beautiful part is it is free 2 play !

    Be warned though, there are many people playing it all the time, extremely busy game.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Oh, I have been bad, playing this game all day long ... So freakin awesome.

    Will the honeymoon period end of the new game at hand, I think not.

    There is so much to do and learn in this game.

    If anyone goes premium and needs weapons made, I am starting to skill hard on melee & firearms now hehe

    /friend add "Shadowsniper Viperstrike" I think is the command to add me ingame.

    Still a 2nd day newbie but going well, level 3 + crafting upto 15 to 30 in most skills and harvesting & scavenging lol
  3. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    ahhh I got an email from them a while ago that it was going FTP but didn't have any updates since. I was actually in the original beta along with McCormmick believe it or not. He'd been waiting ages for the game but was disappointed. I found it ok but ran into a huge issue the moment I made it out of the compound . EVerything kinda ground to a halt and crashed... I might have an old pic of my ava somewhere haha... sorta Emo Wistrel.

    I don't think my account would still exist though... Do you have to be on steam for it? Or can I just run it normally?

    Might look to giving it another go based on your recomendation. Will be some time before I have time though... don't really have time for Entropia really :( Theres too much fun things to do! :D
  4. Hi Wistrel,

    Yea I heard all about the graphics crashes before,
    It works great now, actually I had no issues today, even lag wise playing from Australia.

    A little bit of rubber banding occuring for some players, but what to expect when there are literally a few hundred people in each town ... STEAM release brought in heaps of players.

    Trying to find you a picture, I made lvl 8 on my first day and also tradeskill 30 armour, 15 weapon, 15 cooking, 27 scavenging & 42 nature (Mind you I played all day hehe 1am here now)

    You can log in as normal using your gamerfirst login, or authenticate with steam if you like. I use steam because it links it to your account and no more hassles with logging in each time :yay:
  5. Anyway here is an older screenshot at lvl 7, armorcraft @ 20 at that stage :biggrin:


    Starting to work on lvl 30 recipes, so far belt and gloves done, need to harvest a lot of plants to get the solution out of them to make acids/adhesives
  6. Just as a quick update, servers have gone down for part 1 & 2 updates listed here :


    Part 3 will come in the next few days to a week :thumbsup:

  7. Oh and I got my ATV going, Vroom Vroom ! Love it hehe.

    There is a new area I am in atm that puts EU's rig to shame, love it, fighting snipers on building ledges and enemies with fast firing handguns ! Bang Bang !

    I made my full crafting level 30 outfit today, looks awesome, brough up stats to handle a bit of gunfire while running through these areas :biggrin:

    I must say this game is hell addictive lol
  8. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    I was sick all evening (literally er.. 5 times?) and was largely lying in pain on my bed but watched some youtube on my little android tablet which included some game intro/reviews of fallen earth. It looks like it didn't change much from when I had ago (of course I only barely got out of the compound) so I guess this is good.

    Nice to hear you are so enthusiastic about it. Its good to talk about other games here and wish more people would join in.

    I also watched some guy trying out entropia for the first time. The genesis area looks pretty good. Made me realise just how hard it is to publicly convey a game like Entropia if you are not a seasoned player. Mind you though some of the people reviewing these games seem to have the attention span of a five year old. Its a wonder they can ever stick with something more complicated than space invaders.

    I saw a first look at Guild wars 2 also... what a disapointment. Reminded me of WoW gameplay appearance no end*. Shame cause from some of the videos I saw before it looked like it had amazing graphics. Ah well.


    * never played WoW - no interest in fantasy really
  9. I like it! I wonder if some of the ppl behind it ever played EU, some of the skilling and other stuff that the rep mentions seems similar, but the gfx are great. Seems too PvP oriented though and when a weapon is raised to the firing position, it's not like it would be in RL, but then you could say that of EU as well ;) Might sign-up.
  10. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Yeh I hope to give it a go some time againin the future
  11. Sr Torz Man

    Sr Torz Man Freelanser

    Oops what a good game, got stuck in 6 hours :) something that MA needs to look at to get idea how a game can be.........
  12. Hi,
    I think its a great game, especially being free and all until you want to get more serious about and going premium (XP & AP boosts upto 155%)

    If any of you are interested, you can add me by typing "/friend add "Shadowsniper Viperstrike"
    I think that is the command anyway hehe

    I am level 13 now, and have my ballistics, weaponry and armor craft to lvl 75 which means I can make player lvl 10 items. I also have science and cooking to lvl 60.

    Anyhow, I am happy to make you any of the gear you need for free, just bring the materials ;)

    A few sites ot help you get started - http://fallenearth.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
    And - http://www.fallenearth.info/

    Have fun and maybe see you there :)

    Oh before I forget, you can also use the ingame mailbox, just mail "Shadowsniper Viperstrike"

    If there are any items you need, I can also do mail COD for you if I pay for components.

    Take care,
  13. Hi guys,

    I am now lvl 15 and am heading to sector 2 in the game,
    If anyone needs stuff crafted just mail me and we can do a COD.

    I have met up with a few of you, and if needed I can fast travel now using the lifepods back to sector one. So I am not far away if you need a hand ingame.

  14. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Might be worth tipping a hoi to Lykke or admin on this one. I think they used to run a forum for Afterworld which was a PE like post apoc MMO. Had a LOT of PE players in there rather amusingly. I suspect some of those people may enjoy Fallen Earth so yeh maybe they can tell you if they still run a forum?

    I like the idea of skilling in Cooking haha :D
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Sr Torz Man

    Sr Torz Man Freelanser

    i am lvl 11 now :) and i like the game more & more....
  16. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    We still run that forum ;) The game has still not been released, though :(
  17. Well good news,

    I have been promoted to a Team Leader position of 1st Canyon Academy clan and I am upgrading all weapons and armor for clan members up to lvl 20 for free, after 20 you can look at joining the 1st Academy Army or stay onboard with the younger clan to help out new players.

    There is roughly 120 active members in clan atm, so if your interested in joining up I can help you ingame with some starter coin (10,000 chips) and free weapon and armor upgrades up till lvl 20 :)

    And cheers to thos already onboard, good to see you having a good time :)

    Shoot me a "/whisper Shadowsniper Viperstrike, message" or mail me at the postal box in any town.

    Come along and join in on the fun over in Fallen Earth!​
  18. Aye, I have posted over there as well, we have a few from Afterworld already in the clan and some from Entropia too :)

    If you need a hand ingame, your welcome to join us.

    That goes for anybody wanting to try out the game as a break or as a routine addition to playing Entropia.

    Take Care,
  19. Aye it rocks totally hey, wait till your 20 and start in Sector 2, fun stuff, scary a little too lol.
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