BIG Industries 5000 PED Weekly Event

Discussion in 'BIG Industries events' started by Meculus, May 7, 2012.

  1. Congratulations to the TREASK Hunt of the 4.1.13 at OLA 01

    1st place: Pepper Peppi Pepperminz
    2nd place: Zap Zapspider Spider
    3rd place: Vu Autobot Tran​
  2. Congratulations to the TREASK Hunt of the 5.1.13 at OLA 01

    1st place: Lady DARCI XXX
    2nd place: Book Dad LBB
    3rd place: Shavenna Joheira Olveda​
  3. Gz k
  4. Gz to winners in event "*FREE* Rextelum Most Loot" 06/01/2013
    1st place: Laban Laban Mann
    2nd place: Angie Freja Stark
    3rd place: RectaFire Saesanga Gomgaek
  5. ** Congratulations to the WINNERS **

    Most Rextelum Loot

    1st place : Chuck CrazyBuck Buck
    2nd place : Brastem Sendaran Funkaros
    3rd place : Laban Laban Mann
  6. ** Congratulations to the WINNERS ** Most Traeskeron Loot

    1th place : Florian Vlooe Fisher
    2nd place : Ron Ronny Kovich
    3rd place: chris enzo enzo
  7. Congratulations to the REXTELUM Hunt of the 13.1.13

    1st place: Laban Laban Mann
    2nd place: RectaFire Saesanga Gomgaek
    3rd place: General Marilyn Northstar​
  8. The event "*FREE* Most Rextelum Loot" is now over.
    1st place: luisa li nilsa
    2nd place: Joan Xperia Dárc
    3rd place: Laban Laban Mann
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