The event is now closed ... I will be back to post how the results will play out given the number of participants.
As a follow-up ... I communicated with Next Island, and since we did not have so many participants, I was given the additional iPhone redemption codes needed so that everyone who signed up will be getting a code - those who requested the iPad code will get those, and those who requested "either" - I will need to know which one so that I can send the appropriate code. Therefore, sometime on Saturday, I will be contacting each person via PM who signed up and sending you a redemption code so that you can download the Next Island: Origins application and follow the prologue storyline that leads to the discovery of Next Island. Thank you to those who participated. :)
Just a heads up, that all of the redemption codes have been distributed to the participants of this forum event. I hope you all enjoy the prologue story that leads to the discovery of Next Island.
That's some really nasty lag you're experiencing there. You might want to consider replacing your thruster - there seems to be a degradation in forward movement, and that doesn't produce good results.