The human mind is very good at spotting patterns... unfortunately it is not so good at identifying which patterns are wrong and excluding them. That being said, I have an observation about loot. It seems to me that loot is somehow inversely dependent on the number of players in the game. So at high occupancy like during weekends loot is lower than in the middle of the week when most people are at work (lucky teachers and researchers get so much free time in the week to play computer games). Don't know why it would be so, suppose it could be deliberate or it could be an artifact of how the loot is coded or could just be me seeing things again.
Interesting. My findings indicate the opposite. My general average loot seems to be generally down, and only turns better when it's evening in Europe, or a weekend, or there are other people hunting closeby.
Hey Squiglet :) I have been thinking the same but the other way around. The more players - the more loot. It seems as if there are more loot in loot pool when more players are adding to it - granted there will also be more players to split it of course :) I do not believe the loot pool contains x amount of loot always to be distributed amont players - but that the loot pool is either high or low depending on how much money the players are spending in decay fx. Dunno - My guess is it will always be a mystery!
Perhaps my luck is inversely propertional to the number of players around me... either that or I'm a paranoid loner, which could be true as I really don't like it when I can see a green dot on the radar while hunting or mining. TT value of loot is probably based on some sort of logarithm (or other rapidly increasing function) taken of a psudo-random number multiplied by some value set by MA /FPC such that the average loot payout over many millions of calls will be at a pre-decided rate. I can see that this rate must somehow be tied to the income from TT and repair. Either done manually by adjusting it periodically to reflect the population in game or by a futher function that sinply tracks the TT/repair input and then generates a value from that. Anyhows enough ramblings and pontifications about somthing that we will never know the actual answer to (Entropian Philosophy... is there really a Lootius and does she have a pool and where has the beer gone?)
My average loot return since VU10 has improved ... I've stopped hunting big mobs ... up to Atrox Old Alpha(or equiv.) is now my limit, but normally I'm just skilling melee on lower maturities just now ... maybe that's been helping my returns, less or no decay on armour/fap/amps FYI - my decay before on a 500 ammo hunt was ~200peds so had to loot ~700 peds to break even, now with a 3 sword hunt ~400 peds loot will be break even. Over the past few weeks, melee hunts have been 90% break even or profit, although this points to a 10% loss, it is somewhat less than that.... so, it's a lot higher return than pre-VU10!!
MindArk can dump items in inventory fast and instant - they did to me when I got runners up in the video competition with this: - they gave me an full Martial M,L for my 200hrs effort. So they can put items. Im 110% sure too - that they can mark an avatar for bad loots for badwording them public, and they can select a specific avatar to loot 5 SGA items. They can select an forumwhore like I used to be on EntropiaForum and hand him 4x 5 digit hofs in 2-3 months. They can also select that whoever they feel to give an HL18 or IMP fap SGA - they will - or give someone an neconu jaw. It has been proven on multiple occasions, that when a n00b whines about loosing 20-30k in a few weeks - they drop him an ATH... Open your eyes fellas... And yea - since VU10 - loot has sucked BIGTIME.
I have never been doubting, that MA can do those things, Tom. But my bank can also put in a million DKK on my account, if they wanted (unfortunately they don't want to do that). I do really doubt though, that mA would abuse the system like that tbh.
They won't abuse the system and dump an Mod Fap to me just because I send them 250.000 DKK or something like that. There are NO corruption inside MA - or at least I never had any indication that there were. But MA are vulnerable to only one thing, and that's bad reputation. If some forumwhore post bad things about MA or about loot, they MOST LIKELY just the sob an ATH or good item loot to shut him up... Reason is that the one that can hurt MA is also the one that can do them best advertisements... IE: I spent 25.000 PED - and all I got was this T-shirt... But the day after saying something - he will get a 30k hof.. .I've just seen it too many times before to say it aint like that...
Does it really ? Well, loot may be bad for most, though I have a feeling that to a degree it may be due to the approach used ? I have stepped away from attempting to work out the intricate details. So for now I just allocate myself some fun money each month while working on long term shop establishment goals. Being my 33rd BDay this month I have decided to splurge both the std. deposits for november to having some fun. ~ 10k ped. I am going to give the mining event a shot this weekend & into next week and do a little bit of hunting on the side. The approach being taken is 100% (L) gear of healthy markup, non inclusive of mining amps & bombs/probes the spend is @ 155% of TT so far (Armor, weapons, HK & mining tools) I am attempting to try and contribute as higher markup paid out to others in the economy for items which I will decay in the process of this activity - Ofc markups paid are in context with what the items are worth as they are being purchased directly from the Auctioneer. Hopefully it is not as bad as many seem to claim as of late, my last experience was not too good either loot wise, but the fun was there for the 12 hours the 1k cycled ped lasted. I do believe the system is the same for everyone, however if such a doomedswitch existed, I am sure I would be in the top ten for sitting on Marco's shoulder yelling in his ear sending him both deaf and grey on ways to improve the system for the last year to a somewhat frustrated insulting degree ;) I guess we will see how it all goes :)
see the thing is to lose that much you must be turning over a great deal and the reason for the ATH is because it was "due". there are many who moan who dont get anything and there are plenty of ATH to those that dont post bad things too. the main problem is that its easy to test. go on, have a moan about the loses, inflate them too, then see what happens
That reminds me of the person complaining that no mod mercs dropped anymore. If i remember correctly 2 weeks later or so he was in the team that looted one from an araneatrox old. Cheers Siam