Dr. Almon Duchev - Secret of the Orbs exposed !!!

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by McCormick, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. Same data, same diagram...Dr. Almon Duchev is back...at CDF...or...wait...

    duchev cdf.jpg

    ooohhhh wait, noOoooOOo, just a typical MA reuse of graphics...awwwwwwww :'(
  2. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    I think the point is that history continues to repeat itself, even in the use of old graphics ... thereby, further evidence that MA is lacking in creativity? ... at least that's how I would interpret McC's post, but you would have to wait for his response on that.

    Of course, players who weren't around during the Duchev Logs era wouldn't know any better, but with all the different types of Token items being used, they could have created a variation on a theme that probably wouldn't have caused a raised eyebrow.

    Even a deed-like graphic would have more relevance than using a detailed log with graphs that make no sense (IMO) as a voucher for armor because nothing is representative of an armor design whatsoever.

    I think it's yet another reported observance on McC's part that continues to add to the understanding of MindArk's game development handicaps, even though some might consider it a "small thing" and nothing to make issue about. I appreciate that McC is documenting PE/EU history in ways that perhaps many might not give thought to, yet has a significance in the overall developer approach to this unique universe that never quite reaches its potential

    That's not to say that MA hasn't done some really cool things with their graphics, or ideas, or themes, because I think 100% that they have, but I also think they would be more successful if they were tuned in to small details that (believe it or not) DO make a difference with regard to a level of quality impression and that seems more cohesive, instead of a cut and paste job that we find happening more frequently than not.

    I don't know ... is that what gamers want ... just a clicking and grinding environment, not really caring about graphics detail, or storyline that ties everything together in some way, or a real purpose that inspires spent time, energy, effort and finances other than the possibility of hitting it big. It's a real cash economy, so perhaps that's it ... it doesn't need to be anything else.
  3. Nor Alien

    Nor Alien Wisker Fish

    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    :nana: ... isn't pissing in public against some law? ... or is virtual freedom a relief?

    No restraining order needed, I shall post no more ... NO MATTER WHAT. :wave:
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. I really like that image and I am not against re-use but it doesn't really look anything like a voucher does it?
  6. Future Voucher ? xP -_-
  7. it'd be interesting to make a list of every cut/paste in game... a list of every thing that is used multiple times, etc. I suspect that list would be fairly long.
  8. Most of the unused textures / icons / graphics are still inside of the game folders.
    All this unsued stuff is waiting to hit the public since VU 3.0 (2001-12-11).

    Some dissapeared, some returned. And MA always had a "nice" database of "special" items, for example like
    the "Rare Robot Secret Transmitter".

    Im sure if MA still plans to introduce beverages (or re-introduce meat extractors and food) it will look like the original graphics form 2001 :


    Its cheaper, its easier. We will SEE...
  9. EwoK

    EwoK Southern Fortress Engineering

    its not exactly unusual MC, just look at all the ore and enmatter models that have been reused/recoloured. Loads of weapons etc use the same model just recoloured, same with armours....

    I really don't see the issue :headscratch:
  10. Nor Alien

    Nor Alien Wisker Fish

    Nope just a place holder for subscribed! :sneaky::alcohol:
  11. A stone is a stone, right. But a Dr. Almon Duchev Log should not be a CDF Voucher. Should it ?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Spot on.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  13. MA never knew what they had in their hands...

    ...its also these small details, that created this cosy feeling around me, when logging into Entropia.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2014
  14. EwoK

    EwoK Southern Fortress Engineering

    Yep, upon reflection I do see your point. That said, I can also understand the policy of reusing/recolouring models for the sake of expediency IF there is a future intention to come back and update/alter the look of something intended to be there long term.
  15. I know what you mean...but I still SEE Entropia as somekind of book.
    Page 241 shouldnt be the same as page 113.

    I love the RPG aspect of Entropia. This is / was my world.

    To me, it starts with small things like this reused "voucher", that already affect parts of the fantasy world.
    Its just a graphic, I know and not many people in this universe share my thoughts.

    Or in terms of a collector, who put many items in his appartment for display reasons.....what would visitors think of these 2 itmes placed next to each other in a table ?

    This might be extreme views to others, but thats me. I got RPG in my head. ;D
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2014
    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. I like arkadias weapon line for graphics reuse. Each model up has an extra part on the gun :D

    ark0.jpg ark11.jpg ark27.jpg ark46.jpg
    • Like Like x 2
  17. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Yes but

    a) it makes sense
    b) it is done well
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Yup thats why I like it :D

    caly just seems lazy sometimes
  19. Nor Alien

    Nor Alien Wisker Fish

    The biggest difference between the two is one is actually a penis stretcher in disguise! Now the real trick is to figure out which one is which! :wink: Just remember don't slam the book closed when done! :sneaky:
  20. Its all MindArks fault and it keeps going on...

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