HOF My first hours at Club Neverdie (CND)

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by Stratos, Jan 23, 2006.

  1. After a cool Spaceflight with Whoopy (hope its spelled correct)
    i arrived the Club Neverdie for the first time in my life ;) .
    After walking around and watch the impressive view from the ressort
    i tried some mining in different Biodomes, met some old and new mobs
    where one of them killed me very fast :( .
    Short before i would give up for this day ( bombed a big bunch of probes
    around without any founds i would ask socm8 Burgerman if he is shure that there
    are any resources in the biodomes) i hit this nice extremly large deposit
    of oil.
    While extracting it in a big respawn field of exas (i´m happy that it was no atrox or bigger),
    i send this exa.dom. to death :)
    He´s paying for the disturbance of my exstraction process. \\:D/
    What a cool beginning for me at CND.
  2. *hehe* Nice start Stratos
    You going to get blacklisted by Neverdie if you keep that up :rotfl:

    Gratz !!
  3. Really good start Stratos Gratz!!!! \\:D/
  4. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    Way to go Stratos :=D>: :=D>:
  5. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    Grats Stratos. Very good. Keep up the good work. Contest starts the 1st LOL. Nice to see you take your practicing seriously :lol:
  6. That is soooooo sweeeeeeet .... Gratz mate =)

    .... we call that the "Double-Bubble." lol

    I know you'll love it up at cND, have fun =)
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