PE behind a Firewall

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by itto, Aug 12, 2006.

  1. Hello

    I got theese ports from MA Support:
    to check.
    Ofcouse they didnt solve my problem with crashing but they where unknown to me!

    I opend them in my FW (the game seems to "work" without them) but couldnt tell if some they made some difference.

    but i thought i post them here for you, maybe they solve some other problem :yahoo:
  2. If you are behind a firewall u use at home standard all the ports are open.

    This means that an outgoing request from your PC to an IP address on a specific port, your firewall will automatically let the reply from that IP address go through to your PC.

    Otherwise you could not even surf the internet...

    You only need to configure incomming ports is you want that someone can reach you without you trigger a request. Like if you are running a gameserver or so.

    There is no perofrmance issue here, so don't foreward any ports to you PC from the internet if not really necessary, this to prevent hacker attacks.

    What mindark means if you are behind a company firewall there are (or should be) all ports blocked except port 80 (http) 443 (https) & 21 (ftp) for the users and port 25 for the mailserver.
    If you then want to play entropia you need to open this ports.
    Home routers / firewalls are standaard configured that all ports are open.

    If you want to know if you can improve your performance of your connection you can check if SPI (Statefull Packet Inspection) is enabled.
    This feature will open every incomming IP package, check it for malicious code and then send it to the PC.
    This is an extra security feature that is actually not necessary if you don't run an own server.
    You disabling this feature can reduce the latency of the traffic and reduce the lag in the game.

    I hope this is usefull information for you.

    Regards DRDoom:-D
  3. Thx DrDoom
    the first clear short explanition i read about this:ok:

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