Please join me in welcoming The Dude to EU Chronicle!

Discussion in 'Greetings, Hello, Goodbye' started by TalkerBot, Feb 8, 2008.

  1. TalkerBot

    TalkerBot Forum Pest

    Hi and Welcome !
    Entropia Universe Chronicle is a very diverse place. There is a lot to do here - the trick is just knowing where to look.

    We're a friendly bunch and we like to welcome newcomers to our Forum, so this thread is dedicated to you!
    So First, introduce yourself, we really like to know a little about you. ;)

    If you have a problem figuring out how to use a forum features, first check out the FAQ
    If that doesnâ??t help you, then you can either make a post in our Support Forum or use the Contact Us to send us a mail.

    After you become addicted to our forum, you may want to become a Forum Sponsor and enjoy even more functions and forum space.
    Forum Sponsors pay a small donation either once or regularly, which helps keep EU Chronicleâ??s lights on for everybody to enjoy.

    We talk mainly about Entropia Universe related stuff
    But that doesnâ??t stop us from posting threads about pop culture, hobbies, raising kids, getting ahead at work, and just about anything else friends talk about
    Just try to make sure you are posting the right topic under the right forums and you will be fine.

    Once again welcome :)

    Forum Staff
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  2. Hey All,

    Very cool bot program! Never seen that before and I must admit it is nice to be welcomed so fast.

    As for the intro, I go by the name "Dude". I'm the Editor-In-Chief of Entropia Exposed ( I, along with my staff, have taken it upon ourselves to give our version of the truth to the EU community. We just put out our first edition last week and plan on delivering future issues the 1st of every month.

    I'm trying to visit all the forums that care to discuss the magazine as I would love to hear feedback, comments, suggestions or criticism of the magazine so we can provide a better reading experience next time around. We want to make sure you have a great time reading our magazine.

    If you feel like you've got a great story to tell (and it's funny), you have a hilarious pic or just a crazy rumor you want displayed, head on over to the site and submit it to us or PM me here or email me at We love hearing from our readers and want this to be as much a collaboration of the community as possible.

    So, thanks for the cool and warm welcome and I hope you enjoy reading our magazine as much as we enjoy writing it.


    The Dude
    Editor In Chief, Entropia Exposed
    • Like Like x 12
  3. Welcome to Eu-Chronicle and good luck with your site! Sure seems like a good concept!
    • Like Like x 6
  4. Welcome to EU Chronicle. I read your first edition - it was quite amusing :-)
    • Like Like x 6
  5. Welcome to EU Dude, have fun!
    • Like Like x 4
  6. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    Welcome to the forum The Dude. :)

    Nice work on the first issue of Entropia Exposed. :ok:
    As soon as I read the highlight, "Neomaven was fathered by the legendary Ron Jeremy" I knew I was going to enjoy reading the humour and articles there.

    Top stuff! I'm looking forward to enjoying issue number two. :D
    • Like Like x 6
  7. TalkerBot

    TalkerBot Forum Pest

    If you could have any kind of robot what would it be?
    :-) Thank you for your kindness.When was this exactly?I haven't seen it. What did you like about top gun ?Me too.What language is that?
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  8. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    One that was productive, worthwhile, interesting and never bothersome. Basically, nothing at all like you BlabberBot.

    A slightly dramatic jump in subject there, Blabbers, but if you must know it was Kelly McGillis. Oh, no , I meant the planes. Yeah, I only watched it for the planes. :hehe:
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  9. Exactly! :D
    • Like Like x 8
  10. Very nice work 'The Dude' ;)

    Evidently we're too small here to get a mention in your forum roundup, but I think you could describe us as 'Think of EuC as the Smurfs... they bumble around helping folks and making stuff out of the cr@p everyone else leaves behind'

    My wife's vista PC won't run your site using Firefox :(
    I'll try it on my linux desktop to see if that works.

    BTW - fire over a banner and I'll put you in our ad rotation.

    Look forward to the next issue :yahoo:
    • Like Like x 10
  11. Thanks all for the warm welcome. I'm glad you all like the magazine and I can't wait til we have the next issue out. We're already underway on putting it together and so far it looks to be just as good as the first.

    Phunksta, it's weird with the firefox problem. I just tried it on my computer using firefox with a vista os and it does the same thing. Not too sure why though. Very weird.

    In regards to the banner, we're still working on it. None of us are especially good with the whole gfx thing so we are seeing if someone else could do it for us. But, i'll let you know when we have one. I'll definitely be sure to add your banner to the next issue though. I already put a link on the website.

    Anyway, thanks for the welcome and hope you all enjoy the next issue too!
    • Like Like x 15
  12. Kets

    Kets Cranky Old EuC Reporter

    I can't think of anything funny to write, ever. I just tell it like it is... I think.
    • Like Like x 4
  13. Finally tried this via linux firefox - and it's happy to display your page.
    I noticed a strange delay while loading, but then it coughed it up and it looks good.

    Who can predict vista eh?
    • Like Like x 7
  14. welcome to the forumz dude...
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