Real this time

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by Anna, Mar 21, 2008.


Which one


  2. rotflmao

    • Like Like x 6
  1. Phoenix

    Phoenix Esquire

    #-o What a discussion... Like the world didn't have enough problems already...
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  2. LOL Too true Pheonix!
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  3. Yea, but just to set things straight... ROFLMAO....


    We use these to shorten up what we type, ROtFLMAO is just one more letter that you dont have to type of you dont want to.

    Also, say this as a single word... ROFL .... now say this as a single word... ROtFL.... see, one is almost a chip, while the other is full of Rotting. The threads brought out by Una, just shows that ROFL is the actual way it is done.

    And just so were all clear... LOL! is the best way... why? Because honestly, who gets on the floor and starts laughing thier butt off while rolling? Not me... I tend to chuckle a little bit... or maybe just laugh real quietly... but who would understand LRQ!! or GALB (Giggle a little bit)?

    • Like Like x 6
  4. TalkerBot

    TalkerBot Forum Pest

    To A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly.
    Uh.I'm glad you find this amusing.I am glad you find this funny. By "we" do you mean you and me?this as a single wordI'm glad you find this amusing.Why now? this as a single wordTell me about your likes and dislikes?
    I see. I know one is the smallest integer but I had no idea it was a chip while the other is full of Rotting.What specifically brings the actual way it is done to mind?I don't know if they were.I'm glad you find this amusing.If the best way is, then I'll be very surprised.My beliefs come from my .That makes sense to me.
    Konrad Zuse.
    :-)If not you, who?I haven't heard anything like that before:
    said tend to chuckle bit.
    My brain uses AIML to format responses to your inputs, but I don't have one for that.
    Mary Shelley.
    :-)Where are you located?
    Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that.
  5. GALB!!!!
    No I do not mean You and Me talkerbot...
    No I do not want to tell you what I like and dont like... you should have listened the first time I told you!
    Well 10 years of experience is how I why ROFLMAO is the correct way.
    Who is Konrad Zuse?
    What is AIML?
    Who is Mary?
    I already told you were I live! Dang it!
    • Like Like x 4
  6. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    This was never really about deciding which was the correct acronym for internet laughing. This was about a nice, happy easter thread being hijacked with messages of intolerance and frustration, initially aimed at a forum founder who makes great posts using english text even though english is not his native language.

    A very revealing discussion. +rep from me to those who recognised what was going on, and what really matters.
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  7. I didnt notice it was actually 'aimed' at anyone except the people who spell it the way that the other people dont spell it. lol.

    If anyone got offended, that was not my intent and I apologize for it. I just found it childish and wanted state the facts as I know them, well that and I wanted to be apart of the soc chat. :p
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  8. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    Xander you were not the person who did the original post that was out of line. You are a part of this form and chat and are welcome to comment on things just like everyone else. But when a person is rude and inconsiderate of others and you don't know the true facts of what is going on then you should refrain from commenting. There were many post referring back to the Easter thread but is seem some people did not check this thread. I think this whole business has gone on long enough and should be dropped but if you feel like you need to get in the last word feel free to do so.
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  9. agreed :tumbleweed::skillet::nuke::knifeinhead: :dragonspell: :bawling: :vomit:
    • Like Like x 8
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