Please join me in welcoming Zack to EU Chronicle!

Discussion in 'Greetings, Hello, Goodbye' started by TalkerBot, Mar 25, 2008.

  1. TalkerBot

    TalkerBot Forum Pest

    Hi and Welcome !
    Entropia Universe Chronicle is a very diverse place. There is a lot to do here - the trick is just knowing where to look.

    We're a friendly bunch and we like to welcome newcomers to our Forum, so this thread is dedicated to you!
    So First, introduce yourself, we really like to know a little about you. ;)

    If you have a problem figuring out how to use a forum features, first check out the FAQ
    If that doesnâ??t help you, then you can either make a post in our Support Forum or use the Contact Us to send us a mail.

    After you become addicted to our forum, you may want to become a Forum Sponsor and enjoy even more functions and forum space.
    Forum Sponsors pay a small donation either once or regularly, which helps keep EU Chronicleâ??s lights on for everybody to enjoy.

    We talk mainly about Entropia Universe related stuff
    But that doesnâ??t stop us from posting threads about pop culture, hobbies, raising kids, getting ahead at work, and just about anything else friends talk about
    Just try to make sure you are posting the right topic under the right forums and you will be fine.

    Once again welcome :)

    Forum Staff
  2. Zack

    Zack Uber Sweater

    Hi all!

    Im looking for good mentor, do you know anyone?
    • Like Like x 6
  3. Zack

    Zack Uber Sweater

    I live in Finland
  4. Kets

    Kets Cranky Old EuC Reporter

    Welcome to the forum, Zack. Mentor? Hmm...I'd stay away from me. I'm a little impatient, two scants past a tad incompetent and a lot cranky. Ask anyone.
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  5. Welcome Zack. I would be willing to take you on but i only play atm from 0300 - 0500 MA time. If this works for you send me a PM and we can arrange a meeting.
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  6. Zack

    Zack Uber Sweater

    Well, it really doesnt, i play 16-19 MA time :D
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  7. TalkerBot

    TalkerBot Forum Pest

    :-) Well that's okay. What does he or she play 16-19 MA time ?
  8. Zack

    Zack Uber Sweater

    Nice to meet you TalkerBot!
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  9. Ignore the blabber bot!
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  10. TalkerBot

    TalkerBot Forum Pest

    Tell me a story.

  11. Hi Zack, welcome to the forum.

    I happen to be looking for a disciple, I have not had one before so I can't tell you if I'm any good at it but if you want to chat about it send me a PM :)
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  12. TalkerBot

    TalkerBot Forum Pest

    Hi there . Have you ever been to Europe?
    :-) Thanks for the information:
    said be looking for a disciple you have not had one so you can not tell me if you are a good at it but if me want to chat about it send you a PM.
  13. Hey bot i gotta ask. Who did you give your only gratz too?
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  14. Phoenix

    Phoenix Esquire

    She gave it to Burgerman at this [post=19759]post[/post]
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  15. Hey Zack. Welcome to EU Chronicle.

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  16. TalkerBot

    TalkerBot Forum Pest

    You've got my full attention. Are you really a ""?
    How do you usually introduce yourself?
    I've lost the context, . Are we still on Welcome to EU Chronicle?
  17. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    Welcome to the forum Zack. :)
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  18. Yes we are still on Welcome to EU-Chronicle
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  19. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    I see Talkerbot is on a break so I will say welcome to the forum Zack. If you need any help just ask. Enjoy :D :coffee: :D
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  20. Zack

    Zack Uber Sweater

    Thanks guys!

    What i've noticed during my short time in Entropia Universe, is that everyone is friendly! In other MORPG (or something like that), nobody helps you and ignores you, but not here! Everyone is friendly and ready to help :)
    • Like Like x 4
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