Entropia Universe Portal Site 17 Oct 2008 Frequent visitors to the www.entropiauniverse.com site will now have noticed a new start page. This portal page reflects the ongoing evolution of Entropia Universe, providing on one side, participant access to their favorite planets website. This currently leads to the familiar Entropia website but will very soon lead to a planet roster where participants will be able to explore the websites of numerous planets within Entropia Universe. The other side of the portal page leads to information for organizations interested in planet development using the Entropia Universe Platform. We feel excited about these changes, and hope you all look forward as much as we do, to the expansion of our Entropia Universe. http://www.entropiauniverse.com/en/rich/5078.html
This is very interesting, seems like a sort of MA franchise where developers/investors can use the license-free Entropia platform for creating new planets in return for awarding MA a percentage of the generated revenue.
hmmm... realtively unconviced so far. Building a virtual planet is gonna be hard work, therefore expensive, therefore the result will probably be filled with adverts.
I don't think the planet we have is exactly over populated. I am assuming each new company is intending to draw in more players, if they don't then we may be spread a little thin.
On reading further, the Business Model @ http://www.mindark.com/partners/entropia-universe-platfor/business-model is suggesting a 50/50 revenue split. How viable is this considering that the planet developer will have to install, impliment and maintain high-end servers, pay for programmers, support staff, admins, etc, as well as marketing and promoting the planet to potential end users. Unless future developers already have the finance for this, they will themselves have to find investors who will of course want a percentage of the other 50%...