Steve Saber
Last Activity:
May 6, 2021
Sep 30, 2009
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April 6

Steve Saber


111 Nov 20, 2013

Steve Saber was last seen:
May 6, 2021
    1. Steve Saber
      1. BlackMagicWoman likes this.
      2. BlackMagicWoman
        I'm ok, tempted to become active again like in the old days :D I have logged on and off in the past few years, even for a few soc hunts and some crafting sessions but not for too long or too regularly. Can't believe we all got 7 years older lol, a few major life changes in the landscape as well. But all in all, alive and kicking :D And how are you these days?
        Nov 20, 2013
      3. Steve Saber
        Steve Saber
        I'm good. I've been playing games on steam mostly these days, and a couple of those damn facebook Things are good though. Just getting ready for winter here in Canada...that gives me lots to do anyway. :)
        Nov 20, 2013
    2. BlackMagicWoman
      hey! Still around heh? Who knew we were in this game for such a long haul? lol
      1. Steve Saber likes this.
      2. Steve Saber
        Steve Saber
        Yeah, still around but haven't played since March. Every time I start to think I miss it, I go read the forums. That cures me ;) How R you?
        Nov 20, 2013
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