Last Activity:
May 20, 2021
Sep 23, 2005
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Jan 21, 1976 (Age: 49)


Male, 49

Phunkygeeza was last seen:
May 20, 2021
    1. derren
      ==>Good day!
      Kind time of day of gentlemen. We wish to offer you service on sale Dumps.
      First of all - Lets respect each other - its the guarantee of success!
      Im not help center so no dumps for free, even for test - if u wanna test smthng - just make min order its not so serious $money$
      No stuff upfront, u can get ur order only after i get full payment from u.Lot of dumps from all the world for ur pleasure!! pm me
    2. nexus7
      Hi phunksta ;)

      Just got the standard email from Eu-C saying that my subscription is due to expire, so let me know where/when to meet-up in-game and I'll pay you in PEDs.

    3. staloned
      well I guess since the last date for the newbie of the month was dated 2009 meens that the competition is no longer a valid one?
    4. nexus7
      Hi phunksta, how's it going.

      I know I haven't been posting on the forums lately and not keeping ontop of the new skin graphics, only I'm still having problems beyond belief with my new systems build and a new web project is taking up most of my time, so sorry about this...
    5. nexus7
      Just a thought... About my 'Heck, that's not good' in my last but one PM, I meant that in the sense of the ad system messing up...
    6. nexus7
      Hi phunksta,

      A PM I sent you yesterday, arrived back in my in-box. I read it just a few minutes before sending this. No idea why this would be...
    7. ChelaBias
      Thanks Phunksta :). It certainly won't stay like it if I ride it this weather, seeing as it took me about six hours to get it like that I won't be riding it unless the roads and the skies are dry :). I do normally keep it sparkly, failed before putting it away last winter though as it just rained so much, got it right this year though :).
    8. steffy20042001
    9. nexus7
      Hi phunksta; Once again, many thanks for letting me setup a social group for ENN soc. It's now all working fine, although you still see 'ENN group' listed twice under social groups forum (obviously my fault ;) must have done something wrong). ENN soc members think it's a great feature on eu-chronicle...
    10. nexus7
      I deleted and then recreated 'ENN group' because it didn't seem right.... Anyway, under 'last post' it's showing 'never' if you go to the social groups section, also, I've added/invited two new members, but they are not appearing in the group...
    11. nexus7
      Hi phunksta; Once again many thanks for allowing me to set up a social group fo ENN soc, I'm a bit confused about something ;)
      The url for my group is
      as you know anyway - and I added a picture to it thinking it would go into the vacant box shown top-left of every post/message area, which is what you would think, but the image was just added in it's own post/message area; also, my openning 'hello" message for other potential members that wil join the group, is shown right at the bottom, so I'm wondering if I've done things the wrong way round here? Do you see what I mean?
    12. nexus7
      I've done the text of the article for the new Social Groups feature - just wondering which forum I should post it to?

      This is the text:

      The new Social Groups forum on EU Chronicle

      The Society Corner section of EU Chronicle is being replaced by the new Social Groups feature.
      To view Social Groups, simply click on your Private Messages link and then on Social Groups under Networking in the Control Pannel on the left-hand side.
      Here you can set up an Entropia related group by clicking on 'Create a New Group' at the bottom of the forum table, which is a quick and easy process. As the name implies, your new group does not have to be for and by an in-world society, but can be about almost anything EU related. Just take a look at some of the interesting groups already listed to get an idea -
      Clicking on Create a New Group displays the following simple form, where you can enter the Group Name and Group Description, and select the Group Type - Public; Moderated and Invite Only. Group options are Enable Albums; Enable Messages and Users must join to view the content, all of which can be selected if required. Once your new social group is created, various admin features are then available allowing you to have full flexability over your group - Create forum; Edit group; Delete group; Pending & Invited members and Email members.
      EU Chronicle hopes that you like the new Social Groups addition to the site.

      Some screenshots will be added.
    13. nexus7
      Hi phunksta.

      About the social-groups opportunity - sry it's taken longer than I thought, but I've finally got down to it - I just need to ask if I've gone about this the right way?
      The url is:
      I've set it to invitation only, as the idea is for ENN's members to leave messages for one another...
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