The avatars looks great I think and they mention theres an interface update and ALL clothes and armours updated as well as movements and...
OMG O.o can update now plz k thnks bai!
the crowd funding mentioned is a new company he is founding for providing crowd funding solutions to other new companies not for crowd funding NI....
Happy Santa Day XD if my booth had more item points I would put up some decorations hehehe
Just found this NI 4 years old on twitter now :o
Now stocking Quad Wing ships
Shop filled up with new weapons XD
the original clicks looted without a (L) on them even though they ARE limited
I know I am there weekly hehe
i have bp's for nip 1 - 5 all looted from crafting ^.^
I will trya nd craft a few more nip1's and stock them up and for now I tossed one of the brand new GeoTrek H8 (lvl 8 blp) into the shop maybe...
I really hope the bamboo curtain is raised soon and we know what's going on I still go weekly and take care of my shop there though >^.^<
shop stocked up with armor plates ^.^
Merow :,-(... I sure hope something good come for NI soon
I think the missing is needing a fix but its not needed right now just get your hand on some time crystals and go tot he special cave TP and use...
As a new delta he will be visiting many of the worlds >^.^<
yupypu each vehicle has specific types of weapon attachment ports and each weapon has a type of port it attaches too. the laser canon is best for...
^.^ I will try to get there and put a thruster in the shop for attaching to vtols as the thruster lets them go into space as well
If you put in an application for delta force I will check soc term when home. Many of my soc take trips to next island so we are well educated on...
Those houses some were sold by the NI company to players a while back the others will become available when more players active on world. Enjoy...