6 hours to go FYI each click takes about 5 - 6 hours to get the materials and even then only normal 25 - 33% success rate
Specifications [Edit] Class: Melee Type: Longblades Weight: 0.1 kg Stats Damage: 53 HP Range: 5.0 meter Attacks: 53 /min Reload:...
eco numbers and details tested its amazing O.O
I have put one archon sword in NI auction. Enjoy all this one is higher tier numbers
[ATTACH] my new blade turnes these bront into butter -.- Now they pay for all the times they mess with me when I am first in greek
My goodness just think of iron challenges in Greece! there would be people there all the time!
ohhh the iromn mission chains that woudl rock so much O.O
[ATTACH] theres mine
but if they download installer form your site they start at the NI start zone not the Mindark one right? its the mindark one I was at ^.^
Meeeeg can we all sign a we want that shirt petition for you to show David? hehehe
Yeah all people start at the mindark zone now and there's some posters about the planets then ppl go to the tp and pick a planet and go to that...
Pleeeeeese make it so that makeup masks can be used in greece. When it forces an unequip that waste decay on a (L) item that's already expensive...
yes please (c) make it so. k, tnks! bai!
I still want one of those gypsy wagons O.O that area is so great oh and add some turret there ppl get stuck at revival
Opps wrong thread I meant to put that on the other gorgeous island estates thread
[IMG] [IMG] And one for softy [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
YAY I know some people who will be very happy to have a beach looking house back
Great to see things moving forward nicely lately ^.^ I hugely enjoy my armor set and look forward to finishing it for sure XD Now we need an...