Welcome to the Church of Mindark, now recite me this slow, monotonous and bland litany.
gogogo model 1 :)
Haven´t visited PCF in a month and plan is to perm ban my account there anyways, so if needed might as well connect the 2. Give a shout.
question is whether the rest will be sold?
Well seeing him make a self admitted huge mistake with the brittish Tesco shares I´m not so sure anymore...
Wonder if he will become a whiner or be one of the regular withdrawers?
Are there any larger? Level 6 and 7 would start to be interesting with above trend for serious gamblers :D.
so there is no difference in ingredients or amounts in level I,II,III,etc? Whats the point in having different levels then?
Is there a different end product when using different level BP? What are the ingredients? Have mobs stopped dropping explosives?
Pretty old bug is the sending of friend request to offline player, request gets lost in limbo (support does not see them, so can not delete). So...
I smell that dung prices may increase (finally....)
Where was this info posted?
The warp drive is already on the equus ship?
What regulations? and what does "Warp device not attachable to other bigger ships" mean?
I believe Rand explained her view on egotism somewhere as "man is an end in himself", so to her it was not the text book definition that applied,...
no hurry needed from my part and ain´t really a biggie.
Seems I have another FF problem on wiki. [IMG]
Will get back to you JC when I have seen part 3.
Already playing it, unfortunately docking is a lot simpler than it used to be :) highly recommend a HOTA joystick if u r serious about playing ED!