Why would an autonomous module be unlikely?
I have no problem with viewers watching me play chess with HAL for a couple months.:lam:
Guess an automated landing module.
Where is check-in? Btw, is this the reality show expedition?
Wish I had the permission to read your blog :) - Entropia Universe forum, wiki, media, tools - Error You do not have...
Great scoop and gratz on being there first. Keep up the good work Narfi and Joakim!
Wait till Skalman "figures out" the loot frequency of high value pumpkins, that's when we reach total entropy.
Sorry for off, Jamira what happened at PCF?
I know that they have nothing in common. Was more thinking about coding and such from mindark's side.
Wonder if any resources were allocated from the development of planet Toulan to Monria?
Either its a big moon or super dense. Problem solved :)
Hmm, does remind me a bit of the way Mindark communicates. Well EU has been developed for 10 years with just a few coders and the Humble Creator...
Please share some links MindStar9, in case I missed some.
We should be thankful that he actually started a new thread and not post it in some obscure bugs/VU details thread as when he announced the...
Next PP VU update postphoned, naturally only posted on PCF by Kim Release Delayed I regret to inform you that the upcoming release has been...
Concise and to the point. Even more to the point we are allowed free speech :cheer: Will start right away if no one minds, exploiters can go and...
Unfortunately you lost all credibility from my standpoint Menace, as you repeatedly exploited. Don't get me wrong I have been in several arguments...
You are thinking on a much too small scale (or humongous, its all really relative). The whole universe is revolving around something which we...
Nothing in EU is more artistic and valuable than a "Stinktree Painting", considering the amount that has been looted throughout the years each...
Me wants old Elite! Ohh how coveted the docking attachment was :)