WOW surprised I remember my password to get in to post.:dancinggirls:Its a shame Next Island is still empty.
No wonder its hard to translate with all those strange words, the code should have just said "Brain Fart". All my band aids are mutli colored and...
I signed in here today for the first time in almost a month.
Put your professional skills to work and figure it out
Thanks for the info but I have already been in and played the beta. I decided not to buy and pay the subscription because I felt it was too much...
I need to be medicated?? Really?
Well there is one way to find out :shoot:
Did you see that rocking crayon gun??? :) BTW my crayola box will turn that purple flying contraption into pixie dust :laugh:
That was a disappointed read
Made this same post I made on FB................ I installed PE on Steam but I am so frustrated. I don't recall having this many issues last time...
Darn didn't think this was the last one, guess I should have read the email closer. Oh well real life came in first. Haven't decided if buying or...
Pot hole!
Thanks :)
I know how to equip it, but how do you un equip? :)
Yeah, I can pretend it has something to do with work while I am working instead of being on a game site :P
Good I want to go in and play some more before making a decision if I want to purchase.
LOL how to anything. Like how to unequip your weapon, looked in options and I didn't see an option
Is there a printable "how to" anywhere?
I enjoyed the couple hours I spent in there this weekend. The only thing I didn't like was having to use both the keyboard and mouse to move.