Spotted this on their web page... anyone ever done this before? And recently? Can I trust support not to mess it up or force me on to another...
My GC glitched while logging in just now and the codes got out of sync with the servers. Not an issue, had this before and just been asked to...
Reminds me of a conversation I had with my penfriend's friend once when we met up. I told them the only Chinese I knew was "Hello I love you" and...
Feels more relevant than ever with our lovely government supporting genocide... yay.... not...
oooh I think I'd have liked art of Rally but alas have missed the givaway. Did just grab south of the circle though off Gog. That looks like my...
hmmm doesn't look like my thing... have to say the count down to no more win7 steam is acting as something of a motivator to play some old games....
Maybe the Natalie Portman one?
I sure pick em.... not that I ever got round to playing this but likely never will now... The Cycle: Frontier on Steam ( More...
legacy post and fair enough on the new mobs
Possible new mob and music previews in the videos section here Entropia Universe (@entropiauniverse) • Instagram photos and videos might be these...
yup never heard of it
nice looking threads... wonder what the damage is... [IMG] Location (if this is the right thing) is kinda nifty... very atmospheric. I like that...
Yeh I not seen it anyhow
There seems to be some speculation that this might be the case now on PCF... but I'm not sure if this is true or just wishful thinking on some...
The oil rig PVP zone is now a no-vehicle zone Aww we had fun in a soc vehicle there once... Got some silly videos of us trying to do jumps and...
1PED says more or less nothing sells till the 10ped day. It's a shame that MA didn't offer to run it all the way down to 1PED... that might have...
Don't know that one... odd dialog, vaguely wondering on context, but not that much. Sorry I mis remembered the name of the film I saw. Was...
We get there eventually... but not with Mindark at the wheel... [ATTACH] [MEDIA]
Interesting smattering of images there... wonder if they are real art, AI art, or screenshots...
Sounds alright.... gonna have to check out this triton place unless it's a toxic shot one...