Could it be?....possibly??? CYRENE!!!! WOOT! I'm in!
BEACONS FIXED!!!! (I hope....oh, please, please!!!!)
oddly enough, when I click your link, I get a 404 error with an interesting picture of some Anime girl (?????)
Felicitations, congratulations, and well done BOTH of you!!! Now the question is: "Will the new-born be a "Nun"...or a "Priest"? hehheh, let the...
...and I do believe that is a Sleipnir (Hmmm...Mk 2, I think), at 00:46! :lol:
I remember when "Alien" first came out. My sister and I saw it. To this date, it is the only movie that has ever made me scream. :openmouth:...
{tongue-in-cheek mode ON} Oh, I see what's happening here! So, you got sick and now you're expecting us to gift you some GUARDIAN or some ANGEL...
Wouldn't that be minarets??? :wink:
I am SO happy :bigsmile: and relieved :clap: that you managed to fight your way back:boxer: :shoot::nunchucks: from what must have been a very...
Ahh, an "elegant" solution. thanks, Wistrel!
Thanks, Ordaz, for all your input! And for the nice, refreshing way we, as players, are getting a glimpse of what is to come. It is, indeed, a...
At this point, I'd like to take this opportunity to "correct" what may become a "bad" habit on your part. Myself and the Society I belong to in...
0k, for starters, I've read a little bit about Theryon: Wars but am still a bit unclear about the premise. Could you elaborate a bit more on what...
well, the plot thickens!! Quod Erat Demonstrandum! :hug:
Gratz and well done, Lykke. I'm sure that between you and MS9, Planet Cyrene's story line will be most imaginative and intriguing indeed!...
[ATTACH] hehheh
Oooooo, I hope they're not (L)!!!
Well done, Lee. With any luck, I'll find one too! :)
December 23rd, 2011...(I hope I get a nice Christmas present! ;) )
the calm b4 the storm