Do NOT tempt me into invoking the "Wrath of Admin" by telling you how interesting you are ;) :rofl:
I have a request (obviously subject to the requirements of the service ;) ).... Can the Richest and Largest lists PLEASE be expanded to show ALL...
There's your fundamental problem... ethics isn't only about you. All of the most depraved people "have no ethical problem" with their shit....
I guess some people simply don't get what "game" or "play" means.... that level of douchebaggery is, fortunately, its own punishment.
Wizzszz and I don't always see eye-to-eye, but I don't view him as an unscrupulous sh*t who would cheat. My vote is let him keep playing....
It's shocking to see people display such arrogant disdain whilst proclaiming and demonstrating their utter ignorance of the subject matter....
Two things I find annoying : 1. Many reports of certain avatars receiving more than one. 2. Seeing the cars on auction, proving that some did...
Thanks for the heads-up. Sounds like a nasty piece of work indeed.
For all those who will be in my neck of the woods to "wave flag" ;) [media] ...and if you're staying home to watch it on TV, it will be like...
That would be the users ;) but their messages are called Tweets :)
Take no prisoners ;) Grats :beerchug:
Thanks guys, this is my best loot the whole year so far :) Grats to all winners, and a hearty "better luck next time" to other participants....
Yup... I haven't taken any time to track whether it follows any predictable progression, but there are definitely areas that are daylight while...
Awesome work guys, great to see how the forum is evolving.
Now THAT'S what a tp list should look like, excellent work.:beerchug:
Excellent development. Dalas has exactly the "right stuff" for ANF, and I have no doubt he will take this great initiative to even more admirable...
There's this shiny guy with a surfboard......
Congratulations. Looks like you aren't scared of big challenges, good luck :)
I have all the tt weapons at 0.9, barring the LB, currently on 0.6. I'm going to tier only when I have accumulated the components during the...
It's a question of perspective I guess. I think I may have been a bit dazzled by the BO. Anyway, don't mind me, I'm just a spectator ;)