Yesterday, a player wrote on the forums to tell me that every thing under my control is great, that they enjoyed solving my puzzles, had an...
[IMG]In January, we patched the ingredients for the Tropical Shades to require: 1 Refined Aragonite Crystal 1 Papoo Tooth 1 Animal Muscle Oil 100...
We’re in the middle of revamping our website to make it more informative and easier to navigate, and now I’m moving my blog to it’s new home. I...
[IMG]Softhart, in white, with 11 votes, is the winner of the Transformers fashion contest! Congrats! But it’s clearly Curd who’s the Island...
I get to work on a lot of awesome projects here, but this one is really my baby. [IMG]At Next Island, we’re working with Herograph to create Next...
Mindark’s next scheduled update is May 1st, 2012, and we expect to be publishing our next content release on that date! We’ve got five new...
[IMG] A small improvement to something that’s been creatively irking me: We introduced Io last June, as a young girl from Ancient Greece who’s...
[IMG]Our friend Arthur, also know as the Official Island Greeter, is feeling a bit down. I’m sure you already know about Arthur’s not-so-secret...
Next Island and EntropiaPlanets present Next Island’s new community forum! Thanks to Peter of SchmitzIT and, Next Islanders...
I’ve gotten some private messages and emails from Islanders asking how to help Next Island. Thanks so much for the offer, guys. It really means a...
We provided our logo to the Herograph team, and they promised to make Next Island badges in line with the existing badges. We were thrilled with...
*reserved for further features (eg Events) and/or future features (eg Taming)*