I wouldn't worry much about that :p Thing is, these swords are tailored for AG. First by number of uses and secondly by the impressive per click...
Swords are in AH on NI & Caly, Entropedia has all stats ... no need to post pics :)
Gz Kitten. Does look like a "common" drop, given EMW made the discoveries few hrs b4 ... also curious on item stats - actually it's econess ;)
Have to say CONGRATZ NI devs for this one :thumbsup: Really nice item ! Nice damage, UL SIB sword, not easy to make but not impossible either...
Yes, at least before today's emergency fix it still was unequipped :(
Cyclop Heads set to UNCOMMON loot :thumbsdown: ... got one in 50 kills average :speechless: ... tell me u're jokin pls, cannot believe that - not...
Jenny, last I know the Temple Guards were surely droppin damburite, also wild boars - as a common drop I mean. This was 1 week ago - what's today idk
Tomorrow a minor VU increment ... is there anything in it for NI ? Like maybe missing loot or other fixes ?
50 click Hoplite Helmet BP(L)
(C) ! > you'd be 1st planet offering somethin like that > would provide an use for the tons of paint cans droppin on NI/AG > all the initial...
:roflmao: true for economic lessons go to Arkadia, there's something to learn from there :) ... I'd say we make too much fuss about it - they...
Precisely my fear :cautious: ... aanouncement said would be a step-up from the tt swords we were using - if those are non-SIB would mean a huge...
Hmm ... Agis, u might be right but think I'm right too :D What I mean is ... maybe cyclops head were in loot in the past, maybe ... but for sure...
Too bad that for a month we won't be able to craft Hoplite Arms or the new UL swords due to missing loot :( ... due hope that get fixed on May...
Holly *#@& ! ... you're right Softhart :cry: ( Meg's blog ) ... 1 month away and the day Cyrenne is supossed to start ... not good, not good at...
Was wondering about that taxed land ... does it belong to anyone ? Like ND perhaps ? Is clearly one of the main destinations of hunters ... and...
Thanks Meg for replying - glad to see some issues are acknowledged and under investigation. Speaking of next VU ... could you share when should...
:O_o: Either you have an ace up ur sleeve or u just made not a very inspired comment as it can be used by many to mock the dev team if the...
First I'd like to ask when is the next VU content release for NI planned ? My wish list for the next VU on NI/AG ;) 1) introduction of cyclop...
I respect your point of view Steve, but I highly doubt Hoplite Armor was ever intended to be a Rare or Collector's Item ... simply cannot expect...