the good ... - the new mission, nicely done, nice rewards - the new armor that's Colourable the bad ... - messing up shades bp and makin...
GZ :) can I ask what it takes ? ... as I see ur comment in chat :D
Meg answered on her dev blog that praetorium is part of NI mining loot ... same is ruga and dunkel for Caly I'd say :rolleyes: Anyway, this is...
Any ideea what mob drops these ? Entropedia says uncommon drop of red papoo but ... did 4 red papoo full wave events and got no purpurite :( ......
I wonder too why no one takes care of this forum :(
Glad to hear I'm not crazy :) ... if they lunch the new armor BPs without making some praetorium spawns (like in "really working ones") will be...
Did another 50 / 50 drops with untiered Z1 in Crystal Center area - ZERO Praetorium as result :( ... that's as far as I'm willin to go sinkin peds...
Thanks Sylver for sharing. Hope you are not the only one to hit that ... so lookin forward to see others confirm praetorium is to be found in that...
Hi, given Meg's lastest announcement that praetorium will be required by the next armors bps, thought to open this thread so others (me...
--------- 16 Praetonium 3 Refined Purpurite Crystals 4 Minotaur Heads 4 Minotaur Tails --------- Praetorium - hard to find atm,...
Update : asked a friend who had not done that mission to help investigate ... the scarf BP is indeed received upon choosing to warn Arachne...
Thanks for the reply Wang and yes, you're bet is right :) ... got the tunic one and chosed the helping path. So, in principle ... you cannot get...
Question : is this item's BP reward from a quest ? or a craftin drop only ? thx
The infamous Sharp Knife has finnaly been crafted :) ... bellow it's stats for ur info [ATTACH] Full TT = 55 peds Up in NI's AH if any1...
Did not had the pleasure to dicover those BPs but to craft the itemz for the 1st time. Probably the BP discoverers did not think is worth the...
I'm in Greece atm and that event is not shown here ... but will check once back in NI. Question : are the prizes - NIP P5 and Sword of Courage -...
Nice to see this :) But .... rules ? details ? ...
I 2nd the BP requrirements change request. To provide some field data ... went to Greece, took 10 tt swords and went hunting cyclops 3 times,...
Helen's Knife and Jungle Knife are atm in Caly's Auction. NIP P3 was too but sold within minutes - prolly just some1 eager to be the 1st to test...
Had the luck to craft 2 more of the NI weaps for the 1st time. Screenshot bellow for ur info : [ATTACH] I won't even comment on the cost to...